13 Flushes in a year is too many. Clark recommends spacing them two weeks apart, but for me, three weeks worked better. I'm a runner, and I found that my pace would slow for about 5 days after a flush and would then start to pick up. 2-1/2 weeks after the flush I would peak. In my case the peak was often a personal record for speed or distance.
One time I broke the cycle by flushing two weeks in a row, and I actually got slower.
I've been able to repeat the success cycle several times. Here's the first example which I posted back in 2002:
"In an attempt to improve my health, I took up running after having my gall bladder out nearly five years ago. Each time I run, I measure my distance and pace (minutes/mile) I have settled on 5 miles, 3 to 4 times per week and I run the same course most of the time. Each time I run, I push myself to my physical limit, trying to run faster than I did the time before. Although I have had ups and downs in terms of speed, I have never recorded a shift in speed and energy like that which occurred following the liver flushes.
During the month of August, my average speed was 7:05 per mile. During the month of September my pace dropped to 7:08 per mile. For the first four runs in October, my pace further dropped to 7:27 per mile, and I had to shorten three of the four runs from five down to four miles due to lack of energy. I had contemplated trying a
Liver Flush for some time for a number of reasons and decided that this was now the time.
I performed my first
Liver Flush on October 4th, and on October 10th, six days later, I ran my five mile course at a 6:31 pace. this was not a course record for me, but given my recent history, this was relatively fast. My pace gradually slipped back to 6:50 per mile and I performed my second flush on October 18th. On October 25th, seven days later, I ran a 6:26 pace slipping back on each subsequent run to 6:42 before performing my third flush on October 31st. On November 4th I ran a 6:28 pace, on the 5th, I ran a course personal record at a 6:22 pace. Two days later on the 7th, I broke my personal record again by running the 5 miles at a 6:20 pace. Once again, in the subsequent days my pace slipped back to 6:45 per mile. I performed my 4th flush on November 14th and on the 18th I broke another personal record by running at a 6:16 pace. On the 20th, I ran at a 6:21 pace. I was so excited with this new energy level that I decided to shorten the two week cycle of flushes. I performed my next flush on November 21st and my pace has now slipped to the 6:30 - 6:45 level. I attribute this to breaking the 2 week flush cycle. My running pace was showing that my liver definitely achieved peak performance about 5-7 days after a flush as long as they were spaced two weeks apart.
Those were a lot of numbers to throw around but to summarize, my average pace over 20 runs since the first flush has been 6:33 per mile vs. 7:09 per mile for the 26 runs immediately prior to the flushes. Had I not had this measuring stick, I would have simply said that I feel better from the flushes."
So, besides the running, I cleared my
Psoriasis and some skin infections that I had from candidiasis. Bile is the waste product from your liver, but performs some powerful digestive functions as well, including killing off bad intestinal bacteria and supporting the good.
It's just a guess, but I think you may have gone too fast and frequent with the flushes. I'm not telling you to restart the flush protocol, but if it were me, I would try again, but allow your system to recover for a minimum of two weeks. It's also very important to follow the protocol exactly. I used the Clark
Liver Flush protocol. It's very important to eat no more than a light breakfast on the morning of the flush.