Red beets (cooked), especially when with olive oil and lemon juice help tremendously to get your bowels moving AND they are a folk remedy for heavy metal poisoning in some Eastern European countries. Beets can be eaten with other veggies (like sauerkraut) as their taste is pretty bland.
Plums, prunes, prune juice (but better find one without
sulfites and potassium sorbate) also help greatly with both constipation and heavy metal toxicity.
Lemon juice is great for fighting constipation (and also candida)
Cascara sagrada tea helps with constipation.
Also, you might want to look up Potassium, Magnesium, and
Iodine + Selenium supplements if you are chelating. These get depleted and can possibly cause constipation as well.
B1, or thiamin is also greatly depleted in heavy metal toxic people. The very symptoms of heavy metal toxicity are the very symptoms of B1 deficiency.
hope this info helps.