My recommendations on
parasite cleansing are found in the
parasite FAQ here:
For best results, add 1 teaspoon of the ground herbs to 3 of the 5 daily doses of the IF#2; use the liquid (1 teaspoon to 1 tablesppons) as part of the Unybomb 3x daily.
Of course, you can customize it all any way you'd prefer. But to do a
parasite cleanse without simultaneously deep cleaning the colon is truly a waste of time, effort & parasite herbs! And using ANY parasite herbs without adding raw garlic, acv & cayenne is just cheating oneself...and basically causes one to continue buying product (and dealing with die-off and the parasites) for a very long time.
You can find hundreds (thousands?) of reports on CZ of people parasite cleansing for YEARS. I find it rather suspicious that the makers/sellers of these products fail to mention that inexpensive garlic & cayenne are ESSENTIAL for killing parasites...and that if one doesn't "deep clean" the colon (removing their main feeding, breeding & hiding location, while decongesting the liver & altering diet to ensure a normal/healthy 3-5 bms daily), no one ever removes the CAUSE of the parasite infestation.
Without addressing the cause of any symptom (the cause of
parasites is NOT a 'lack of parasite herbs'), one never removes the symptom of the cause.
parasites are a symptom of congestion throughout the intestines & other organs.