Hi AK,
Thanks for the feedback.
>- 1. Green wire is the signal generator circuit return (ground).
>- 2. Red wire is the circuit (555?) output. Through 1k ohm resistor.
>- 3. Scope ground is connected to the green wire at the contact point (paddle, footpad, etc.). This is a direct copper connection between the scope probe return and the signal generator return.
>- If these are all correct, then I think your interpretation of the results is in error in two ways, the reasons for overall amplitude changes with location and the significance of the differences in frequency response.
Frames 1through 4 show that the closer to the green electrode that you measure, the lower the overall DC amplitude. This fits Ohm's Law if you view this as a resistive divider. However, the attenuation of high frequency appears to be even greater which indicates additional capacitive shunting.
I believe that both of these phenomena are fairly well established. The significance is that the closer a susceptible
parasite or pathogen is to the negative electrode, the less likely that it is for it to suffer a negative effect.
Additionally, when measured at the abdomen a stronger DC signal as a stronger HF signal is found when the Augmentation footpads are used with the paddles.
Not only are the signal differences visible, but the actual effects reported by users are noticeably better.
Do note, however, this these images were made using older model zappers.