Hi blistering,
Indeed a good article. Thanks ! And Onwards is so right about chronic infections.
I,m having Hpilory, giardia, EBV... since several years now(by simptoms) not diagnosted, not accepted, not treated and have many simptoms of depression, anxiety, brain fog, lethargy, AF...
I remember several times I asked my GP and gastro- if an infection can do this to me - answer was "no ! everybody has parasites and look how happy and healthy we are compared to you ! they go by themselves the - body can handle this" no comment.
That's why this community is so important for us all.
Hi Seattle,
The usual stool tests or endoscopy RARELY helped me or my family diagnosting something . My guess is they were poor performed. This year I»ve changed the approach/labs/docs and the below tests helped me figured out some: all of the tests / trips / consultations/etc on my money biensur: and for me was a lot of them: - simple scotch tape test for pinworms in the same gastro hospital in the capital city (the fifth hospital „visited“ in the last 3 years) but with some efforts and "fights" with the medical staff. mind you when I ask my doctor there to perform it he did not know such tests exists !!! major hospital. no comment . the lab put on the results „enterobius vermicularis“ and the doc asked me „what the h..k is that?“ major hospital. I - blood antigen/antibodies for HP and Yersinia in a private „clinic“ I'm now trying to get find new labs/private to help me circle more around the problem. God help! dave
Almost 3 years of these in the same way brought nothing, lost my job and everything....I'm Eastern Europe based.
- SIBO Test in London => confirmed SIBO but not specifically what is it; for me was a good start thou after 3 years of all in my head; I also tried normal stool test in UK (GP NHS like) in january but came back negative of course
- G1 Profile in Germany similar with GEnova or Metametrix (good flora/bad flora, parasites, pancreatic enzymes...) => not so much very specific but found very low good flora, enteroccocus found; plus blood vit.D very low that convinsed me about infections
- Stool samples in a Gastro hospital in the capital city (after enema !!! from the enema I took like 5-6 sample from different parts especially mucus) => here they found giardia, candida with old school style - microscope one (rarely these days)
Hi Blistering,
I've done a similar test with GI profile Metametrix or Genova. I'm East Europe based so its kind of hard to do Metametrix from here - long distance and money. My test was performed in Germany in a lab called Enterosan (they have a website in german - google translate); and they tests similar items (not identically) with the ones above. plus some blood tests:
the results didn't tell I have parasites or infection with bacteria but the other values made me think i have: in a logical way isnt it :) ? if you dont have the good guy...you have the others. in terms of GI tract things are like that; black or white :)
- very low beneficial gut flora/ very low vit.D / low hemoglobine / high eosinophile / enterococus bacteria high, beneficial e.coli low
btw i've read here somewhere theres a lab in Brasil LABION i guess performing parasitic tests and that they are good. and cheaper. but they dont perform the other parameters as Metametrix or Genova. I did usual test in UK - nothing. A friend of mine did usual stool test in US - nothing. so usual tests, national health system rarely work - my conclusion.
I'll be interested if you do the tests what will be your results.
good luck,