As the first post in this new forum, i want to invite anybody who desires prayer for any reason to simply ask. I am a servant of the Father and His Son, the risen Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus and i am genuinely here to help in any way i can. The Lord has poured a desire into my heart to pray for anybody who wants this and as well, i have noticed over the past 4 months or so... and even more so over the past 2 weeks... that the vast majority of these prayers get answered. There has been such an abundance of answered prayer that when a prayer is not answered, i am actually surprised.
It seems that living surrendered unto Him, having sold all i own to buy the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45), the kingdom of heaven reaches out and touches my very life and indeed this has made a big difference in my prayer life. I want to be clear that i strongly believe this to be available to everybody who seeks it and i believe that millions around the world today have come into this kind of kingdom of heaven intimate relationship with the living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Remember that the bible says, "the prayers of a righteous man (or woman) availeth much". When we die moment by moment to our flesh and live holy unto the Lord filled with and led by His Holy Spirit as new creations in Christ, taking every thought captive are we not living righteously? If any would doubt this, then what kind of person was this scripture referring to? To be clear, sinful thoughts still do unfortunately sometimes arise all of which are immediately rejected and repented against.
Through this surrendered life of choosing each moment to live holy unto the Living God, the Lord blessed me with a new gift for physical healing which was only given me about 2.5 weeks ago. I don't know the full extent of this gift, but i have seen pain leave people instantly dozens of times and a girl's incessant cough and cold completely disappear. A girl's ear popped when i was praying healing for it (and she said it never pops unless she specifically plugs her nose and blows) and this is an ear she was planning to get surgery on which she now believes was healed.
On the other hand, I prayed for a lady who had a badly damaged finger which was half the length of its counterpart which did not appear to improve... and i also prayed fervently with no immediate results for my 4.5 year old nephew who has been diagnosed with autism and can't talk (prayed as deliverance also)... so the healing gift certainly does not appear to be unlimited... at least not at this stage... but it does appear to be growing with each passing week as i continue to live holy unto my Lord, abiding in Him a fruit bearing branch attached to the Vine (John 15). Also, about 20% of the people with pain were not healed and i don't know what this is about, though i do humbly seek my Lord with these questions. But yes, about 80% were healed!
I believe the healing prayers will work over the phone, at least this was the case in the two times i tried it which includes my mom's shoulder which went instantly from a 4 to a 1, and a guys troubled breathing and chest pain 3 nights ago both of which were completely healed. So far so good, but it remains to be seen if the results will be as strong as when hands are laid where about 80% have been healed in a high sample size. So far with only 2 examples, the telephone prayers have been 100%. I am not without the courage to continue praying and seeing what happens :^). I will be honest and say that i believe the Lord will heal cancer and other maladies through this gift, though this is not confirmed as yet. I say only that i have the absolute willingness to pray in faith for every malady to be healed.
In case there is any confusion about this, i want to be clear that i don't receive donations, so the prayers are always free. My focus is on serving the Lord and his people in the the love the Father has poured into my Spirit for every one of His children.
Over the past 4.5 months or so, through my surrendered life, the Lord has also been providing a lot of deliverance and holy blessings through my prayers as well. People who had afflictions such as depression, anger, anxiety, co-dependency and addictions (including food as well as drugs, and cigarettes) have been immediately and spectacularly set free. Again the Lord's deliverance hasn't occurred every single time and obviously this is not under my control but the LORD's... nevertheless the times the prayers haven't been answered have been rare and surprising. There are at least 5 dozen people who have been set free from one thing or many over these 4.5 months including another one last night at a church i visited where a lady i just met in a small group got set free from anger, rage and stress and was filled with the Lord's holy blessings. She was in tears and she and her husband were most thankful. This new friend said she felt the oppression physically lift off of her.
The Lord Jesus has filled even unbelievers with His peace as a sign that He is real, making people quite a bit more open to receiving Him as Savior and Lord. I have found that leading people to the risen Lamb of God works most effectively when accompanied by His miraculous signs and wonders... and accompanying the gospel message with signs and wonders is exactly what the Lord Jesus called His disciples (including me and millions of others) to do.
If you are an unbeliever reading this, please accept this challenge to let me pray with you. Give the Lord Jesus this chance and if your heart is the slightest bit open to Him, i strongly believe He will reveal Himself to you tangibly. All you have to gain by receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord is an eternity of amazing bliss with the Father and the Son in heaven and a taste of the kingdom of heaven while here on earth which will include His deliverances, His healings and His holy blessings including his many holy fruits.
If anybody seeks prayer of any kind, please let me know however you wish and i will pm you my phone number.
Blessings to all in the name of the Lord Jesus, the risen Lamb of God who died for the sins of all who will call upon his Holy name and receive Him as Savior and Lord.
Dear friend,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging post.
I have pm'd you my phone number (a few days ago) and i hope to be able to pray with the pastor's son directly, even if he is too young to understand. Let us all remember the Lord Jesus gave authority over unclean spirits to His disciples which absolutely includes millions of His disciples who are alive today, and i believe that infirmity almost always (or maybe always) involves oppressors wherever they may be located. When i tell pain to leave in Jesus name, it is the spirit of pain that is being told to leave. Through my experiences, i believe the enemy will be much more likely to respond when they hear the voice of the disciple (representative/deputy/servant) of the Lord Jesus who is telling them to leave and so this type of prayer becomes much more effective. As well it is helpful to have the other person's participation where possible for reasons of encouraging them to let go of unrepentance and unforgiveness and for them praying in agreement among others.
I am still seeking the Lord as to how all of this works, but i believe that silent and distant deliverance and healing as sometimes done by the Lord Jesus when He walked among us comes under a much higher level of anointing/authority as also appears to be true with commanding an amputated limb to grow.
Out of curiousity, which country/state are you in? Currently NY for me and soon California.
Many blessings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Why are you coming into this forum to question what the man is doing? Don't you know this is a support forum? If you doubt or don't agree with the premise of the forum...Fine! But keep it to yourself or post on an opposing forum, don't bring the disdain here.
A sertvant of God offers his/her time in the way that God has guided them to and they respond obediently. That is called ministry and thousands of missionaries have offered their time, no, lives in the service of others. This appears to be one of the ministry fields for MTS. To prescribe limiting him to whatever little time "his pastor" will allow him is to say that he needs to be restrained. Why? Who are you or anyone else to say how he must work out his ministry?
If his ministry grows or doesn't grow is probably the least of his concerns, since anyone who knows anything about the Bible or the Holy Spirit knows that it is He that produces and causes growth. Whether the ministry grows into the thousands of followers or only reaches a few, it is the Holy Spirit who leads, and as long as MTS has been obedient to what God has called him to do, it doesn't matter a hill of beans. Thank God for that obedience and may the Lord continue to grow him and protect him from all onslaughts of the enemy in any form.
Perhaps you find God's love and ways difficult to believe?
WY: Mighty.....Nice name for a man of God. Do you really have a Gift?
MST: Thank you WY, i like the name too and since i am daily fighting a war in the spirit realm it is really growing on me. If we are to receive the feedback from 80% of the people i have prayed for, then yes i really do have a gift as given me by my Lord Jesus. These are His words:
Mark 16:17 "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 ... they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
I do believe and i do abide in the Lord Jesus as a branch to the Vine (see John 15)... and each of these three signs has indeed followed me. As to taking up serpents and drinking anything deadly, i won't put the Lord to the test, but i believe the protection from these is in place too.
WY: I find it difficult to believe you're willing to spend your time on the telephone.
MST: Difficult as it may be to believe, the offer has been presented and it is absolutely sincere.
WY: You could reach many more people if your Pastor would give you a little time every Sunday to do your 'thing'.
MST: I pray for people in many different churches often, but should i limit prayer to people in churches only or also offer to pray for people over the phone and in other places which has provided many additional beautiful opportunities to help people? If only you knew what the Lord was doing with this you would completely understand.
WY: If you have a Gift, your ministry will grow. If you don't, it won't......WY
MST: The Lord has given me a gift for healing and it would be impossible to deny or even question it after experiencing the many positive and often quite spectacular results He has provided over these past 3 weeks... with dozens of people healed including 2 so far today. What the Lord does with this gift is up to Him, but i will continue using it to do my part in encouraging and building up the body of Christ as much as possible... as well as praying for others to receive this gift so that they have an opportunity to do the same. As one example, my holy living niece (18) has been visiting over the thanksgiving week and i strongly believe this gift has been imparted to her. She actually prayed healing for my neck and the pain got knocked in half instantaneously (i didn't pray myself because i wanted to save it for her). As well this gift is utilized to provide miraculous signs and wonders in Jesus name to unbelievers to show that the Lord Jesus is real and alive today, confirming the word through the accompanying signs.
Mark 16:20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs."
I will continue to make loving and serving my precious Father and His precious Son the Lord Jesus my number one priority, and will continue to faithfully offer to pray for people as led by the living God and see where He takes it.
Many blessings old friend.