First, sorry for my typos. My story begins a dozen years ago with occasional mild indigestion. One or two Tums and I was fine. I then started having bouts of what seemed to be food poisoning. Only thing was, others eat the same thing didnt get sick. This increased in frequency over a couple year period to the point of effecting my family, work and social life. My "attacks" increased in severity as well as fequency. I saw my GP many times over this time. I was prescribed acid blockers. Finally ended up in emergency room for Diverticulitis. Had many Ultrasounds, scans, tests, scopes over the uears, nothing conclusive other than "IBS" & an inflamed colon. My symptoms were classic gallbladder or gallstone symptoms along with severe diarrhea and constipation increasing to include daily vomiting. Fatigue to the point of having to go to part time work. But all tests showed my gallbladder works fine and nothing was wrong. (it was the bugs thriving on my heavy carb meals, cuz only thing I could eat was bananas, crackers, toast & noodles). Most med Doc seemed to think I was making myself sick. Finally while researching IBS, I read about
parasites and the symptoms sounded just like mine. I talked my GI Dr into doing a few fecal
parasite tests, she was so tired of seeing me and nothing was helping so I think she did it out of guilt. They came back positive for Blasto H the first time and both Blasto H and D.Frag. 2nd, but she insisted they didnt cause the symptoms that I was having and insisted many people have these "bacteria" and live perfectly normal. I took her some printed material from online, but she didnt even look at it, even gave it back to me when she was finished with another office visit. I admit she did do every test out there, and my HMO Anthem was great at approving $100K in tests over 2 years, but i was still getting sicker and starting to lose weight, down 20lbs. I lost another 10lbs, more tests and test showed protein in urine. Another invasive scope test, nothing found. Sick all the time, feel like im slowly dying. Another year passes and im feeling really bad all the time. Sick every day, bowels shutting down, lost 30lbs. Down to 124lbs. GI Doc and Surgeon want to do a resection on my bowels and remove my gallbladder. They said I would lose 10-20lbs recovering from the operation. I knew that would be my death sentence. There was no way I was going to be able to withstand losing another 20lbs. I look like a cancer patient or concentration cap survivor I am so thin. (The thoughtless make crude unwelcome comments. Strangely over-weight people seem to be the cruelest and most inconsiderate in their comments.) I put the surgery on hold and started praying. I had nothing left but prayer. Nothing had worked. The medical Docs were stumped. None of my clothes fit. I looked bad, felt worse and knew it was just a matter of time till I wasted away. I could only tolerate a few foods. I am a single Dad of two teenagers. I need to at least live long enough to get them on their own. Im sure if it wasnt for them, I would have allready given up. Then a friend who has Prostate cancer mentioned he was being treated by a Chiropractor on his prostrate. I was intrigued, and asked him for details. In doing so he found out they treat
parasite infections using Low Level Cold Lasers along with traditional QRA type treatments The results have been stunning for me. I felt amazing relief with 3 treatments and almost feel normal after 3 months of laser treatments, along with a whole supplement and flush and rebuild program for another month. Has anyone else had any experience with Cool Lasers and
parasite treatment? I cant explain how it works, but for me it is a life saver.