5 years ago I had the Mirena placed. At first it was great... no periods, no worries, no problems, a no brainer. I thought "ha, why wouldn't every women use this sort of birth control device..." Life carried on, I met the love of my life we got married and all was exactly as it should be. Right??
Two years ago I started to feel...well, not so "normal". I thought it was just all of the changes that had taken place with getting married, blending a family, ect. My husband and I started fighting all of the time. And over seemingly trivial things. I would get so bent out of shape over anything at all. Up down over and over.
And then the weight gain...A few pounds, a few more pounds. All of the sudden I was like who is this person and what the hell did they do with my mind and body.
For the past year I had an internal nagging to research the mirena and it's side effects but why would I do such a thing when my doctor told me it is totaly safe, no ill side effects and just about the best thing since peanut butter. hmmm Naturaly I began to research it at least to decide if I should have it replaced or consider other birth control methods.
I am outraged to say the least... My entire life has been turned upside down. 5 years ago I was ectremely active. I coached soccer, rowed, had time for my kids while working full time. Laughed. Had patience. things made sense...
Now to date... I have gained 20 lbs, my breast are a DD. Thin hair. I have had my thyroid checked and my doctor put me on meds. Roller coaster mood swings tabot.
It makes me so angry and outraged that it has come to this. When you are on the verge of divorce and feeling like a crazy person, feeling so alone and out of it. Like being on the outside and looking in going...no stop please!! That's not me... And your doctor tells you that that's just normal and it is not a side effect of the Mirena.
ENOUGH!!!! Listen to your intuition. If something feels wrong well then something is wrong.
I am having my Mirena removed today. I have read of the "Mirena crash" and I would gladly acceptingly go through that for it cant be as bad as all of this.
I would love to get feed back from others that have had the Mirena and of your removal recovery. It is not in vain that us women wright of this. If my doctor said " hey your going to gain weight but you won't get pregnant" I would have proceeded with the insertion. We all know that there are side effects from anything...But what we didn't get to hear is "your going to go crazy and no one will have your back or tell you why" I am so beside myself that this is such a real problem for so many of us women. I look forward to any story or response that you have to offer. I will post progress...