First, I know that this is not what you are looking for because I manufacture and sell zappers.
That aside, I also am a zapper user and have several documented successes from the zapper. These, however, are anecdotal, and may not be considered as proof of anything, except that these things happened to occur when I was using the zapper.
1) As a child, I had extensive allergies and asthma. The asthma reduced somewhat as I got older. For the allergies, frequent colds and flu, I remained a walking drugstore.
2) In the 1970's, I was diagnosed as having 3 different types of intestinal parasites, including a tapeworm. I was treated several different times with several drugs that made me quite ill but the
parasites remained and appeared quite happy. I even resorted to several over the counter medicines that were not any better.
3) I also have had terrible teeth for years and have had several root canals. These have developed abscesses on several occasions.
4) about 6 years back, I was diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma, had a biopsy which caused it to spread on the side of my face.
In 2000-2001, after experiencing 3 bouts with the Flu and becoming bedridden each time, I experienced my first use of a zapper and was completely amazed. It stopped the flu in its tracks. Because I used to come down with the flu 2 or 3 times most every winter and colds several times a year, I keep a zapper with me where ever I go and at the first sign of possible illness, I pull it out and use it. I have had a slight case of the flu or a cold only 2 times in the past 10 years. This alone has saved me literally thousands of dollars in cold medicines. Because of this, anytime someone comes along and scoffs, I laugh but feel sorry for them at the same time.
About 7 or 8 years ago after zapping with a new zapper, the poor little
Tapeworm died. Oh, well, he was over 40 years old. Maybe he just died of old age.
Oh, did I mention that I have not used any allergy medicine in the last 10 years, except for the time that I was bitten by a water moccasin, I used diphenhydramine which the doctor prescribed for the swelling.
During the last 12 years, I have had several abscesses in my teeth. Each time, I have used the zapper and the pain and swelling has gone within a day or two at the most and within a few hours most of the time. I also had abscesses prior to that but did not have a zapper. Had to go to the dentist for pain pills and antibiotic.
When the Basal cell cancer popped up, at first, I went the normal route and had the first cancer removed using a method called Mohs. Basically, they cut deeper and deeper until they could not find cancer. This costs a couple thousand dollars per lesion and when I go 3 new lesions right around the original one, I looked at my zapper and immediately knew what to do. All three lesions were gone within days. I had a couple of others show up and did the same. I have been free of recurrences in the last 5 years.
What more do I need to say?
Oh, both of my sisters use the zapper and my brother as well, as does most of their kids, and my mother who is 92, has used the zapper, and so did my dad but he has passed on a couple of years back in the hospital from pneumonia. He had not used his zapper for several month before he passed. I asked him why? he said he lost it.
Have I ever had any problems from the zapper? Yes, I once had a major infestation of law enforcement in my house and office. They were actually fairly nice though, just doing their jobs.