Over the last year or so, I slowly started to put together all my symptoms... I had the Mirena inserted early 2009. Losing a lot of hair? Check. Mood swings? Yep.
Acne was the worst it's ever been, gained 20 lbs, started experiencing ovarian cysts. I even had one surgically removed that was the size of a tennis ball. Painful. The nurse in the surgery center looked at me when I told her I didn't have periods and said "that doesn't seem right, maybe that's why you're here." I also suffered with crazy back pain, like my lower back would just lock up without any injury that would have caused it. I was run through MRIs, x-rays, lots of blood work for all sorts of auto-immune disorders.
So I finally decided last month to get it removed. Yesterday was my appointment, and I must say it went very well! The most painful part was the forcep thingy. I'm so excited! After running through the symptoms with the dr (who is not the one who inserted it) he said its definitely possible that the hormone was causing my body to react.
One thing I noticed post removal, and it may just be coincidence... But on my way home from the dr, my sinuses started draining like crazy all of a sudden and it was kind of like metallic tasting? Which I don't believe I've ever experienced before. Anybody notice this?