Hi meesha!
Not sure what your dream really means, but let me throw some ideas your way.
First, everything in your dream (any dream you have) is part of you. Like looking out the window is your view on/of life in general, or of a particular situation.
Water is seen as an emotional element. It can also be a cleansing element. Here is an excerpt from dreammoods.com:
To see water in your dream symbolizes your subconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. To dream that water is boiling suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. Feelings from your subconscious are surfacing and ready to be acknowledged. You need to let out some steam.
This is from another dream site:
Water can symbolize your spiritual side or life itself. It can assume the shape of anything into which it is placed. How the water is depicted in the dream says something about your spiritual side. Our spiritual side is quite often the most neglected aspect of our nature. Spirituality is expression of the soul and not to be confused with religion. Expression of the soul connects you with life and is your true essence. What gives you expression? Is it writing, poetry, playing musical instruments, dancing, teaching, helping others, etc? Do you know what it is and if you do, have you created space for it in your life?
So I would say the tidal wave you see is some form of emotion you are feeling that you fear will overwhelm not only you, but your entire family. Here is what I found at dreammoods: To see your own family in your dream represents security, warmth and love. It could also symbolize bitterness, jealousy, or rivalry, depending on your relationship with your family. Alternatively, it could mean that you are overly dependent on your family, especially if the family members are in your recurring dreams .Consider also the significance of a particular family member or the relationship you have with them
Your family in the dream is also part of you. The attitudes they have towards you are more your opinion then theirs.
I found it interesting that you are on the 5th floor. This year 2012, reduces to the number 5. (2+0+1+2=5) A lot has been said about this being "the end times" etc. the number 5 represents CHANGE. Here is what the dream site has to say:
Five represents your persuasiveness, spontaneity, boldness, daring nature, action, and humanity. The number five represents the five human senses and thus may be telling you to be more "sensitive" and be more in tune to your senses. Alternatively, the number five may reflect a change in your path or that you need to alter your course. It is also the link between heaven and earth.
The number 5 sits on a "rocker" and faces both forward and backward. You have 5 senses, 5 fingers and 5 toes. If you want to move you must "change" from one foot to the other.
When you walk your arms swing alternately at your sides, this gives you balance.
You are afraid the water will come in and drown all of you.
I found this as Aisling, it seems to fit your dream quite well:
Drowning in a dream signifies that life (water) is threatening or overwhelming (coming in on top of you).
In conclusion I would say that this dream is telling you to trust more in the life that rules the universe. That change is needed. That you can "speak" a certain scripture and it works at making the wave recede.
You worry too much.