To be hung by one's heels for much longer than an hour was a common form of corporal punishment here in the USA - 19th Century and earlier. I know. My father used to threaten me with that punishment from time to time though he never did it. He was born in 1880 - in the South where corporal punishment of that kind was common. I don't perceive your dream to be in thst fashion - as in a past life experience. Yes, we can and do have dream experiences from past lives.
In today's world to be hung by one's ankles is evidently part of the BSDM scene (do an Internet search) and because you say that the hanging was to be for only an hour and the mechanism had pads for your ankles my suggestion would be that it was meant to be some form of an erotic adventure - either yours, or someone else's. We each have our own private dream/astral space and others can invade that space and disrupt what we are experiencing in our own astral world. That's possible too - for someone else to have those thoughts/desires directed at you. You have the answer as to what it means and by posting here you are getting suggestions but ultimately it is you who has the answer.