Greetings Red20 -
After reviewing the majority of your posting history and reading the information you've shared, I agree that the military vaccines may have had a very negative impact on your health (and I see the apparent trigger of your current issues was some type of flu). And I know that these things (combined with the health/body degrading issues we all deal with while living on this poisoned planet), are more than enough to cause your current health issues. However, there is one thing that 'stands alone' that can be 'most responsible' for every symptom you have (including hypercoagulation & the various pathogen issues)...and that is EMFs & EMRs.
I'm not saying I "k-n-o-w know" this is the case in your case, but I do know that the research has been done and verdict is in; we are ALL highly "electro-sensitive" and vulnerable to these insidious & unnatural frequencies. We are ALL adversely affected to some degree (and for some, this can literally be the difference between life & death).. Depending upon: our exposure to EMFs/EMRs; our current/past health issues; our genetic weaknesses & predispositions; our exposure to various poisons (environmental, vaccine, pharmaceutical, metals) - and even the size of our body (which is an antennae), we all exhibit (or incur, without exhibiting yet), a myriad of various symptoms and health degrading/destroying issues due to exposure.
Whether EMFs EMRs & "electro pollution" are major or minor players, the process & methodology of restoring & healing your body is fundamentally the same. Our natural bodies are phenomenally advanced self-healing organisms, and are pre-programmed with the exact knowledge & ability they need to heal. It's our job to assist our body to undo & eliminate all the clogs, congestion, poisons & metals caused by lifetime of our bodies being forced to run like a car with a brick on the accelerator...having had absolutely no regular maintenance - while trying to operate without the correct fuel for the engine. Once we get caught up on the 'maintenance' and start giving our bodies ample nutrition & fuel...our bodies will take care of the rest. Here's a great synopsis: How "Cure" Happens - Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter
So, the very first thing I recommend is for you to watch the videos below; read the information in the links, and check out the list of symptoms/issues I've pasted below (which doesn't include everything that can//is caused by EMFs/EMRs...but is a good overview). Find out how many cell towers & antennas are in your area (you can do that here: AntennaSearch - Search for Cell Towers, Cell Reception, Hidden Antennas and more. ); and find out if you have a smart meter on or near your home. Also, you mentioned below you have a cell phone and use a laptop...but didn't say if the laptop is hard-wired or wifi. Another major offender are the DECT cordless phones (which most everyone has now, if they have a cordless phone).
Here's a list of typical symptoms caused by exposure to high voltage electricity, EMFs & EMRs (taken from a physician's research group); this list is FAR from complete as it doesn't include any of the major diseases & syndromes known to be caused by EMFs & EMRs such as cancer, diabetes, ALS (and all neuromuscular disease), chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and the activation of latent viruses & pathogens:
1. Difficulty to fall asleep 2. Frequent awaking during the night 3. Waking up tired, hung-over 4. Chronic exhaustion, fatigue 5. Increased need for sleep 6. Lethargy 7. Listnessness 8. Headaches 9. Pressure in the head 10. Drowsiness 11. Nervousness 12. Restlessness 13. Feeling of discomfort 14. Hot flushes 15. Chills, cold hands and feet 16. Inner Trembling, vibration 17. Inner Burning 18. Irritability 19. Aggressiveness 20. Depressive tendency 21. Feeling of helplessness 22. Panic attacks 23. Compulsive repetitive thoughts 24. Concentration difficulties 25. Mistakes when writing 26. Learning difficulties 27. Loss of memory 28. Anomia (inability to find the right word) 29. Frequent slips of the tongue 30. Joint pain (which joints?)* 31. Muscle pain, muscle weakness 32. Neck pain 33. Pain of the soft tissue (where?)* 34. Nerve pain (where?)* 35. Toothache 36. Sinusitis 37. Infections 38. Alteration of the voice 39. Sore throat 40. Swollen lymphatic glands 41. Slow healing of wounds 42. Skin alterations (which?)* 43. Burning of the skin 44. Prickling sensation in the skin 45. Numbness 46. Itching skin 47. Allergic reaction 48. Tachycardia (Heart palpitations) 49. Heart pains 50. Arrythmia (what kind)* 51. Spells of high blood pressure 52. Permanent high blood pressure 53. Temporary shortness of breath 54. Episodes of collapse 55. Dizziness, vertigo 56. Disturbance of equilibrium 57. Buzzing or ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) 58. Noise or sounds in the head 59. Hearing defect, acute loss of hearing 60. Hypersensitivity to noise 61. Pain in the eyes 62. Swollen eyes 63. Rings under the eyes 64. Impaired Vision 65. Inflammation of the eyes 66. Dry eyes 67. Nosebleeds (when)* 68. Hypersensitivity to smell 69. Thyroid gland disorder (which kind)* 70. Other hormonal disturbances* 71. Loss of hair 72. Disturbance of growth 73. Loss of libido 74. Weight gain 75. Weight loss 76. Loss of appetite 77. Nausea 78. Diarrhoea 79. Abnormal sensation of hunger 80. Increased thirst 81. Sweating (at night) 82. Frequent urinating (at night) 83. Bedwetting
This Word document is a 'must read' for everyone ( and is entitled "Unwittingly Exposed). It has an image at the end of the last column showing how cell phone frequencies affect red blood cells causing excessive clumping & abnormal coagulation (note: it doesn't matter if you have the cell phone by your head...and it affects anyone else within 1.7 meters). This document is in "pamphlet form" (so read each column from top to bottom rather than trying to read it from left to right across all the three columns). Here's a link with the references for the pamplet:
Here's a short video that shows (and explains) it much better: Dr. Magda Havas' Live Blood & Electrosmog.mp4 - YouTube Here's another biological effect on blood from using a 1800mhz cellphone - YouTube
Regardomg the various/possible pathogens you may be dealing with, here are a few excerpts from the following document (entitled "Do You Have Microwave Sickness?", compiled by a layman, but backed up & supported with extremely valid research):
Please avail yourself to the entire article above :) Here's the excerpts:
I. Symptoms known to be caused by exposure to electromagnetic radiation - depending on
frequency, duration, and exposure levels - in the early stages (and/or at lower exposure levels)
can be decreased stamina, memory problems, fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, eye
sensitivities, increased allergies and other sensitivities, dizziness, irritability, concentration
problems, nausea, and restlessness. At the latter stages (and/or at higher exposure levels),
unexplained anxiety, insomnia, swollen lymph nodes, depression, loss of appetite, hypoxia (lack
of oxygen getting to the tissues), hyperactivity, dry eyes, vision problems, weakened immune
system, frequent urination, night sweats, extreme thirst, weight gain or weight loss, testicular
pain and so on (Becker4 1985, Levitt 1995, Cherry 1996, Kolodynski & Kolodynski 1996, Santini
et al 2002, Al Khlaiwi & Meo 2004, Radio Wave Sickness, Selsam 2005, Bortkiewicz et al 2005,
Sage 2006). These symptoms very often suddenly appear in people who have had a cell phone
tower installed nearby their home.
VI. Microwave exposure has been shown in studies to induce a decrease in the numbers of
Natural Killer (NK) cells (Smialowicz et al 1983, Yang et al 1983, Nakamura et al 1997, 1998,
Dmoch & Moszczynski 1998), which is a form of white blood cell (lymphocyte) and is the body's
first line of defense against pathogens. This leads to the body's weakened ability to recover from
viral and other types of infections. Therefore, people exposed to microwave radiation would take
longer than normal to recover from your day-to-day infections.
*** VII. Exposure to long-term microwave radiation has been shown to change a particular form of *** 13 "[Dr. Coghill's] latest research suggests the microwaves generated by mobile phones may damage the ability of white blood *** Grimaldi S, Pasquali E, Barbatano L, Lisi A, Santoro N, Serafino A, Pozzi D. (1997).
white blood cell (lymphocyte) ratio - known as the T-helper/T-suppressor (T4/T8) cell ratio - from
normal to abnormal (Dmoch & Moszczynski 1998). Abnormalities in this T-lymphocyte ratio have
been shown to lead to an increased susceptibility to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.
Symptoms include "sore throats, low-grade fevers, weakness, persistent fatigue, and swollen
lymph glands" (Braverman).
VIII. In fact, research has shown that exposure to microwaves and other electromagnetic
radiation not only weakens the immune system,13 but also effects an increase in viruses,
bacteria, mold, parasites, and yeast in the blood of the human host.14
cells to act as the 'policemen' of the body, fighting off infection and disease. Mr. Coghill took white blood cells, known as
lymphocytes, from a donor, keeping them alive with nutrients and exposed them to different electric fields. He found that after
seven-and-a-half hours, just 13% of the cells exposed to mobile phone radiation remained intact and able to function,
compared with 70% of cells exposed only to the natural electromagnetic field produced by the human body" (BBC News
Online Network).
"Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome
in latently infected human lymphoid cells." Journal Environmental Pathology Toxicology
Oncology. 16(2-3):205-7.
Here's a fantastic article/interview for reading: Marcelo Paganini Interviews Paul Raymond Doyon about the EMR-CFS Connection. by MARCELO PAGANINI on Myspace
A 'must see' video: Smart Meters & EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - YouTube
Okay, that issue's likely covered now - so let's get down to healing!
As I mentioned above, we know from the great healers upon whom this forum/information is based (and the empirical evidence of their clinical work), that putting the body back into it's natural state (harmony, balance, homeostasis), so that it can utilize it's advanced healing schematics to heal itself is what healing is all about. However, it's easiest to do that if we have some idea 'what caused what' (or at least we think we need to know 'what caused what'). The truth is we already know the cause...all disease is caused by some type of blockage or congestion that alters or constricts the natural flow of 'something' to some specific organ or system of our triunity. As Dr. Schulze says:
The very first thing I now recommend to everyone is to totally eliminate all forms of toxic frequencies in your life. It's crystal clear that bombarding our body with various levels of radiation and magnestic/electrical frequencies that mutate our own energy pathways will prevent or lessen healing. Ditch the cell phones; ditch the cordless phones; get rid of the smart meter (if you have one) and do your best to lessen or eliminate all others forums of unnatural frequencies throughout your environment. Then start normalizing & repairing those pathways & systems with natural energy...via barefooting and "earthing". Here's a thread that explains more: And here's where you get an Earthing half-sheet and/or Earthing floor mat: I just checked on availability and pricing to see if it's changed, and just saw they're having an AMAZING sale! Get two Earthing half-sheets, two Earthing mats and some Earthing straps (and all the cords/testers, etc)...for the price of ONE half-sheet. That's the deal of a lifetime! Just click the "Special Deals" tab and scroll down to the "Bonus Half Sheet" deal. The sooner you start Earthing & Barefooting, the sooner the healing will begin!
Next...The Incurables Program (commonly abbreviated "IP")'s a link with a basic overview:
With the long-standing nature of your issues (and the fairly recent use of all manner of unnatural supplements), it's likely going to take a few 30 day rounds of the IP to knock out all your symptoms (it always takes a minimum of several months to completely cleanse & decongest the liver & colon anyway). What you're wanting is not to undo a lifetime of damage in a few weeks - what you're looking for is a steady upward trend...and that's what you'll get doing the IP. We offer the full 30 day IP package in the Apothecary, or you can start with as little (or as much) as you feel comfortable doing now. There are two things you want to 'get your head around' (I'm assuming you've been affected by the two most oft-repeated lies, just like the rest of us)... #1 It's not harmful or stressful to a body that's congested & sick to cleanse away the congestion! The body is already harmed & stressed (and the longer the congestion and 'cause' are left without being addressed, the more harm is going to happen). #2 It's always most effective to do the cleanses simultaneously (as it's done in the IP), and here's why: 'Separate Cleanses', Enemas, P&B, colon Q&A (buried post) (startomg with the paragraph that contains the line "Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us.").
You should be able to find all the basic instructions (and tips) for the various cleanses & therapies in the FAQs here: ~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads
I realize this is a LOT of information to assimilate & digest (and that you'll have questions)..but it's really NOT as overwhelming as it may seem when you break it down. Deep & thorough colon cleansing for the full 30 days of each round (you can take a break whenever you want to); a full month along with that on parasites; two weeks on "liver", two weeks on "kidneys", a healing diet and/or juice fasting, and the various therapies that go along with it all (hot/cold showers, castor oil packs, high enemas/colonics, EFT, and --if you choose to, which I highly recommend--the Cold Sheet Treatment). The Cold Sheet Treatment is hydrotherapy...a long bath with cayenne in the bathwater followed by wrapping oneself in an iced/cold sheet for the night. Here's an overview: By the way, I've done one, and it's not nearly as complicated or 'difficult' as it's just hot! :)
There's (truly!) no doubt in my mind - if you address whatever EMF/EMR issues there may be, and do several rounds of the IP (making whatever adjustments you need to make along the way), you'll get that 'steady upward trend" you and your body both want & deserve! The IP covers everything - parsites, metals, toxin removal, decongesting the colon, liver, kidneys, lymph, restoring circulation, killing of pathogens/infections and giving the body the fuel it needs to thrive & heal.
After you've had a chance to look things over, let me know what you're questions are and I'll do my best to get you an answer posted as soon as possible.
Heal ON!
Uny/Kristi (who didn't take the time to check for typos - so there's probably tons)