No, interestingly you should look up the seven deadly sins on wiki and see what it says about gluttony. There really is a religious component to why candida and fatty liver come around.
Nuts, oils, desserts are expensive foods. We are prone to food cravings...Gluttony caused candida and low carbing sends people into an expensive malabsorbing diet, replacing poor people food with expensive oil cleanses and proteins. Texts like these served a practical seems like these guidelines would keep people healthy.
Praepropere - eating too soon.
Laute - eating too expensively.
Nimis - eating too much.
Ardenter - eating too eagerly (burningly).
Studiose - eating too daintily (keenly).
Forente - eating wildly (boringly).
There will always be skeptics in life. I had skeptics when I said the US financial system is over and It's time to change everything over to gold at 800$ an ounce. I had skeptics when I said superbowl 2012's half time show and Madonna's resultant tour is 100% a satanic omen for world war 3. Her songs were satanic in 1988, why did they suddenly get resurrected in the satanic church halftime show of 2012..with c lo in a black robe? There were plenty of other fun 80s songs to have and more talented artists. But she is the one promising world peace in her tour if we throw aside faith and traditions....the message of the antichrist.
Do you see a pattern when gold is at 1776, the fed promises more stimulus..tensions arise around embassies...a drought and resultant famine begins in the US. Get over saturated fat and the dollar in 2012 and move on. 2012 is not the end of the world, just the beginning of reality. You can't spend money that doesn't exist and you can't consume insane amounts of fat and expect to feel good. You don't have to be super religious to see changes and connect dots.