put Vicks on rears....also,,,,,I removd two worms just by wetting some black pepper and put clos to nose, also my stye let some out with , also im doing 2 caps of acv in big bowl of water for my eyes, i open my eyes under water for 60 seconds like Mama Rosa on utube, it also clears the nose.....always clear the dirty eyelashes you dont think of with coconut oil, that helps . peppr will also make u sneeze, clearing stuff. Now using a vicks inhaler, and breathing it in like a cig..contact me, i will try to help, been doing this for year,roll up brown paper towel, and push into nostrils, they will come out! Get them out. paste creates a chemical reaction that the "debris" cannot stand. I've drawn out concretions, sand, frass/eggs, mucous, worms, green dodders(I think), Those creepy black hairs, white hairs and even some blue gel thread hairs. I'm not kidding!! If you believe it try it, if you don't, don't. But I hope you do:
oz. container ground Nutmeg or substitute cumin
1/8 cup Borax
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1/8 cup Water
(Alternately you can omit the ACV and water and replace it with Kleen Green enzyme cleaner. Just keep adding in enough to keep paste the right consistency).
Use wooden or plastic untensils and a medium to large glass/ceramic bowl to mix in because I think metal might change the chemistry somehow. A rubber spatula makes mixing way easier.
• Mix the Nutmeg and Borax together and try to break up any clumps.
• Add Olive-Oil and stir into a thick paste.
• Add Apple Cider Vinegar and stir again into a thick paste. It might slide around not wanting to mix with the oil but keep at it folding and stirring until it thoroughly mixes.
• Pour in Water and mix, mix, mix until it's almost like brown "cool whip". As it stands it will keep thickening up, so just keep sprinkling in more water and whip it back up. This will pull a lot of them from your skin...Be Brave! More studying, you can call me and its faster to learn....