I sure hope the withdrawals are not too bad.
After she quits the spiriva, she will have to slowly ween off of the advair which is a steroid.
Adrenal exhaustion.
After explaining to her that the spiriva has bromide and the advair has fluoride and both interfere with her vitamin D synthesis, she decided to finally, get off them.
I sure hope it doesn't push her into adrenal exhaustion, but she is using the advair in place of the spiriva.
I had my mom nebulize Lobelia, but she didn't notice any benefit, however, she didn't do for very long.
I think her breathing is fine, but the drug causes fatigue, exhaustion, adrenal problems and the bromide.
She needs something to help with the fatigue and energy.
My mom doesn't have asthma.
She has emphysema, but her nodules have all been shrinking.
These inhalers make both asthma and emphysema worse and this is by design.
See the Buteyko method for more on this here
Mom felt too fatigued this morning after going a day without spiriva, so she took a puff.
I will see if she can gradually ween off.
I believe Lolite was referring to Uniquity's apothecary here
I'm sorry, but my mom is such a bad patient that she only used it a few times with no results.
She is on 2 different inhalers and those alone make it so u can't breathe without them.
They are highly addictive, so u would have to wean off of them before u could ever find a benefit with Lobelia.