West Nile Virus: they're lying to you again Friday, August 24, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport (Natural News) Here's a number for you. Three maniacal spokespeople from the CDC, backed by five major television networks, can brainwash the public about a virus in seven days. If you added up the death count from all the hyped and predicted epidemics of the last decade, including West Nile, SARS, bird flu, weaponized smallpox, and Swine Flu, the total would come to about one year of deaths in the US from ordinary flu.
The rest of this important article:
Hi Tony,
nice to see this one posted as well.
Id would in fact be interested in seeing qualified proof of the existence of pathogenic viruses.
& by qualified proof I mean direct methods that can be and have been repeated.
Not the PCR or Antibody testing that are indirect and too generalised to indicate specific accuracy.
Nor the various filtration methods that claim to separate out material of specific density and size.
This link provides interesting insight into the centrifugal sepeartion process and why filtration methods are not reliable therefore not proof that particles can be 100% isolated!
To date I have not come across a genuine electron micrograph that can be reliably be proven (and repeated) to be a specific pathogenic virus - since the above methods can not be relied on to be 100% proof i can therefore only conclude that there is no proof in existence as none have been directly observed to cause the cellular pathology.
It is my opinion that "virus" is myth and that it is a misdirection from the path that researchers like Naessens pointed towards whereby bacterial particles undergo changes in upto iirc 16 stages.
Also since viruses are purportedly endogenous in origin I find it extremely difficult to beleive that in evolutionary terms that a complex multicellular biological system such as a mammal could fall victim to such cellular chicanery.
- just my opinion at present until something better comes along!
- but I do think that tricky pasteur set in motion one of the biggest medical frauds in history (history being another one)
And of course we would never see anything like that happen in the lame-stream mainstream news. In my opinion, in addition to the personal slant, that particular piece contained some valuable information - mainly that the West Nile Virus had not been definitively identified and yet millions of people, their pets, livestocks, gardens, and property were being contaminated with pesticides whether they wished it or not.
I won't argue that NN has more than it's ahare of opinion and sensationalized pieces - and there are plenty of times that I find such pieces off-putting. On the other hand, it also has information that one is not likely to see in the controlled and filtered pablum we are fed as "news" in the mainstream. And some of us writers try to keep our articles pretty straight - such as myself and Luella.
If people had chosen not to read NN over the past week, then a very large number of people might not have seen articles I wrote on how to minimize pesticide exposure, how to detox from pesticide exposure and how to control mosquitoes without resorting to pesticides and commercial repellents.
I suppose it comes down to personal discernment and using your own reality filter - perhaps not an easy order in today's fluoridated and brainwashed world.