MMS is a wonderful product and has helped me and others in many ways to treat bacteria, candida, cancer cells. I am so grateful for that. However, it DOES NOT kill
parasites in the gut. I know from personal experience and my
parasite problem has been greatly delayed by thinking that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement kills parasites. I am killing them NOW with herbs, DE (diatomaceous earth) and a zapper. I am going for a very deep and thorough cleanse b/c it is clear to me that
parasites have been the underlying issue of my chronic fatigue symdrome. I am using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to address the inflammation and control the bacteria created by the die off of the
parasites in my gut. People need to know this!
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does not kill tapeworms, flatworms and roundworms. I KNOW b/c I am killing them now with paracidal herb treatment & cutting them up with the ground silica of DE. My treatment is VERY effective, I have been cleansing for four weeks and continuing. Parasites and
parasite eggs have been pouring out of my body. I can hardly believe the amount and variety of parasites passing out of me. I look at my stools everyday. I should have done this years ago! Shame on the M.D.s and even naturopaths who are ignorant of parasitology and down playing the role they play in limiting out health and vitality.
We ALL have parasites.
Hulda Clark said that no one she ever tested for
Tapeworms tested negative, including herself and her family. Parasites are the underlying factor behind chronic fatigue, fybromyalgia, lupus, allergies, . . . all autoimmune diseases. . .did I say depression? Parasites are the root problems behind more than 70% of disease in humans. Look at,,, etc.
Hulda Clark is the pioneer who was dedicated to this important work.