I wrote few day ago about sodium/potassium ratio.
Sodium/Potassium ratio depend on You daily carb intake or i should say depend on your protein intake for sure. We do not have any chance to cure candida, cancer, reflux, depression, other if our BODY PH is not correct.
Here are ratio for Sodium/Potassium:
0-50g carbs / day - sodium/potassium ratio should be from 1,2:1 up to 2:1 - Volek and Phinney theory.
70-150g carbs / day - sodium/potassium ratio should be around 1:1.
200g carb / day - sodium/potassium ratio should be 1:2 up to 1:3
High carb diet - (Okinawa diet - greatest diet on earth) have sodium / potassium level about 1:15.
Now, take a look at Bee Wilder plan (~100g carb daily). She suggest to take one and a half teaspoon of salt daily and only one teaspoon salt after heal. I do not know why she do this till today !
Additional half teaspoon (1000mg of sodium) of salt per day shortener healing crisis ! Yes, she do not mention this but i know this, why ? All candida sufferers must take mega dose of vitamins (like b- complex, C vit) because our body not working like should work and we need additional doses. Same is with sodium.
So, please take 4500mg of potassium and 5000mg of sodium when you are start anti candida diet. When you fill much better and lower your b-complex vitamins and other also reduce your sodium intake by 1000mg.
So if you using LOW CARB (100g carb day) diet - use 4000mg of sodium and 4500 mg of potassium in the long run.