Hey guys I came here to share my story and also to vent. I know only you guys really understand what it's like to have this problem. So I went to the gyn again and he did a vag ph test it was 4.2, apparently i have no infection from the bacterial analysis "no yeast, altered vag flora not consistent with bv" no stds and normal pap smear. Like what the hell. I just purchased like $50 of stuff from klima the "Gents deodorant for hyperhydrosis of the genital area" without any aluminum and then the powdered deodorant for the genitals with aluminum chlorohydrate. None of them say to be applied internally. So far I think im getting partial relief from the deodorant powder and thats if i apply it all over the whole area which i know isnt healthy. People since high school have said it smells like egg, skunk, basically vagina they said, its freaking awful to be in class when someones saying that. Nonetheless ive been looking for a cure for a while and now my odor problem is worse. I also have fbo now too. I'm going to an endrocrinolgist and im going to ask to get tested for tmau. The doctor said he couldnt smell anything like all doctors do but at least he was nice to refer me to someone. I think it comes after i pee bcuz one time after i drnk acv ppl said it smells like it's burning. Perhpas it comes from somewhere in my urinary system. Im sick of investigating this shit. but even if i bring wipes it doesnt take away all the smell. I just think how embarrassing it will be to walk into a hospital to get tested for tmau. they'll look at me like im nuts. I dont even know if there's anything i can use on my period for this problem. Then i cant smell it either i think ive lost the ability to connect to other ppl emotionally at this point. The past 2 days ive relly been thinking i want to kill myself but i wont cuz i believe ill go straight to hell. With this fbo my social life is totally gone. I dont know what tests i could ask for.