I'm telling you guys, this technique really works! I noticed a difference in just a couple of days, but wanted to wait a couple weeks just to make sure I wasn't jumping the gun -- and I'm not, it works!
The technique is called FasterEFT (Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations), developed by a practitioner of EFT, NLP, and BSFF.
I really noticed a dramatic decrease of the number of times bad memories run through my mind and how I would constantly dwell on them. I've been able to fall asleep a lot faster since of don't have so much mind chatter anymore!
It's FREE to learn and easy to do. The developer as a ton of free HowTo, live demonstrations, and seminar videos at his web and youtube site.
Those of you familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will find this a breeze to pick up and do. And as the name implies, it's a lot faster to apply than EFT and it works fast too!
I never got any results from EFT, but as I mentioned above, have gotten dramatic results from FasterEFT in just a couple of days of using the technique!
How To Do FasterEFT:
- Think of a memory that's been bothering you.
- Notice the negative emotion (or "feeling") you feel when you think of that memory. Really focus on that feeling. Notice where in your body you feel that feeling to help you focus on it.
- Rate the feeling from 0-10 (ten being most uncomfortable).
- Then start tapping on the following meridian points with your fingertips (grab your wrist for the wrist point) while saying the following*:
1. Between Eyebrows - "I release and let go all sadness."
2. Side of Eye - "I release and let go all fears."
3. Under Eye - "I release and let go angers, emotional traumas, betrayals."
4. Collarbone - "I release and let go hatred, helplessness, hopelessness, and everything else."
5. Grab the Wrist - "It's safe to let it go."
- Then take a deep breath and let it out.
- Finish by saying "Peace" (or another positive word).
- Rate the feeling again from 0-10 and repeat the technique until that feeling goes to zero.
*To speed it up even faster, I just say "I release and let it go" on all points. The developer simply says "Let it go" on all points!
For those unfamiliar to these kinds of emotional release techniques, here's a good short video of a different, but similar anti-stress technique (called PSTEC) that explains how these techniques work:
Emotional Eraser
These techniques are "like an eraser that can disconnect the feelings and emotions from the memory and stop the negative self-talk, permanently!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLoZoSx1TAc
I have done EFT before and it works GREAT but I appreciate this method / variation of it. Will try it and report back. THANK YOU for this powerful medicine!
Cool! Look forward to hearing how it works for you.
Hope I didn't sound like I was dismissing EFT. I know it's helped tons of people, but I just couldn't get it to work for me. That could have been due to my ignorance and how to correctly apply it to my needs, but I always felt confused on how to apply it.
That's why I liked FasterEFT from the get go. I understood the logic and simplicity of targeting the feelings of your memories. Can't get any easier than that! Plus I like how you can skip the korny "Even though __________ I completely love and accept myself." If saying that works for people, great! But it's still kinda korny. :P
When dealing with strong emotional ups and downs that keep me awake, I find nothing works as well as prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Of course, creeds may vary in this page and I'm by no means imposing but really EFT has not been as effective as pouring my heart out to God. It really does help to be your own psychologist. Talk out loud about your feelings to yourself, you will realize how silly and thwarting they are, and you will "let it go".
From my experience working with others, the "korny" setup phrase is one of the most important parts of EFT. The ones who resist using it tend to be the ones with the greatest self-acceptance issues and need to use the setup phrase the most.
i tend to agree that the setup in EFT is really key... but Robert Smith ( of Faster Eft) pours that in very naturally, toward the end of the clearing, when it IS way more easy for the person to accept they want forgiveness.
( as importantly as forgiving anyone else)
You often see people laughing or chuckling over realizing what masters they had become at terrorizing themselves, by replaying these old images and feelings...
this realization coincides with the perfect moment to say, "and I forgive them, and I forgive myself ...
and Peace.
" and Peace" , holding the wrist, ( which is often not visible in the videos) is the end point of every "round" of tapping... and it effectively is empowered with complete and unconditional Love.
EFT has been a great help to me as well, mostly because I feel that it distracts my mind and body from whatever it is I am stressing over at that moment. Having to think about the tapping, feeling the taps, and saying things out loud makes me have to think about something else (it's not that easy to THINK and TALK at the same time.)
I definitely want to check out the faster EFT, as it would probably be easier to do in a public setting- like in the car or in the bathroom.
I also find that pouring my heart out to God helps too. I do this almost every night and it helps me sleep
I totally agree with you, I also want all of you to know that you can see a lot of videos with Faster EFT on youtube, and if you want to become a Faster EFT practitioner you can come to a Seminar in April in Budapest. I highly recommend it. seach for fastereft or contact me
i think he needs to change " transformations" to " " transmutation" and maybe even change the
EFT part...
( update: Robert G. Smith is now calling himself Robert Gene, on his videos. and perhaps has altered the meaning of EFT...)
His method is solid. iIt's true people have at first found it by googling " faster" and " eft"... But having done so, it proves its Unique value.
Faster EFT should not be thought of like a "big gulp" version of eft., or be associated in a person's mind with fast food...
in my honest view. "faster" for so many of us has a charge too..Maybe we were always told to hurry up, so that charge has to be cleared... Maybe. it reminds one of not having peace, and brings up images of hamster wheels, etc. futility and speed... maybe even. of forcing OTHERS to " hurry up", or, being forced to always do more, faster.
. . .
Faster EFT
is really more like inner alchemy, where you literally change lead to gold. change the inside, and you change the world. ,!!!! this is something that everyone should use,
meaning, it would be good for their highest expression, not that i would want to see enforced faster eft-- and from a very young age for it to be taught would be wonderful. For goodness sake, it,s 2017, and now children are learning how to see with their third eye. it's quite teachable, in a short time. You can then see even blindfolded, and can see much more truth... you can google this...)
Faster EFT would be like the equivalent of the old
kindergarten buddy system, and the daily snack, which was a way to feel sort of ok, and look out for one another., but FEFT would be a way to feel great!
Feft is a way to clear ALL your obstacles to perfect peace, so you can acrually experience the now. And with perfect peace, then you have truly beneficial creativity, not this power-over-others stuff, that only benefits the few, and divides the rest, and keeps them stuck.
imagine. . .
it would get to a point that just to think of the clearing points and 'aim' one,s attention, as is so key to the process, would effect the clearing and deletion of all that is not for the highest possible expression .
here is a beautiful, short Faster EFT session
with an older gentleman, who clears his panic attack memories and images, so the emotional charge is no longer there.
watch it, and be inspired! you too can change the past, release whatever you have stuffed down that you try to ignore or "deal with" until you no longer can. you can change your entire future.
it is simple to say " let it go", simple but not easy We are masters at hanging onto pain. We all know we need to let go, but how?
totally agree, this is an amazing modality, almost too good to be true, only in that it's natural, and
easy to become proficient at.
he,s taken the tapping to the highest levels,
and you can even do it without ever touching yourself, or anyone else... which means, you can do it wherever you are.
the more heavy stuff you neutralize, and this works, is not just a bandaid, the better your intuitive capacity is, which means, the faster you will tune in to how to tap on whatever the isssues are,