Hi, i need help... My grandma is 83 years old and for the last 2 years she's had some growth on her face, upper side of her nose close to the eye area. At first we thought it was just a simple mole but it has been growing slowly for the last 2 years & now tiny small red dots started appearing around it. She lives in Poland and the doctor there told her to go see an oncologist and have it removed before it spreads to her eye...She has diabetes and every little cut takes forever to heal on her body...and in her age i'm just scared something might go wrong. I did some research online & from the pictures i saw the thing on her face looks just like BASAL CELL CARCINOMA, it is almost clear see through skin with a lot of little red blood vessels inside it, like a little spiderweb.
Is there anything she could use topically ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, she is really scared and i would love to help her with this somehow...
Thank you