Here's my experience and what first got me paranoid of this topic; it happened about 12-13 years ago. (Yes, I have been haunted by this topic for over a decade.)
Back in the late 90's ya'll might have remembered the 'Brownsville Revival', am I right? Well it was going in full swing, and my church at the time ("First Assembly of God") would talk about it, sometimes show videos of the services, etc. It was pretty interesting. I was a teenager and didn't really have any concerns over strange spirits in the church and these kinds of things in the church.
Around 2000, a member of the church and his wife, (we'll call the guy "Joe") made the trip over to the revival. Then he came back a couple days or weeks later, I don't recall exactly. Anyways, when he came back, I saw he was different somehow. He would have these crying tensing shaking fits during worship service, like crying spasms with clenched fists, and it was pretty loud. It threw a couple people off, but I didn't think anything of it, other than it was different and kind of weird. But the Lord moves in mysterious ways, so I wasn't overly worried about it.
Now, around this time I started falling away from the church somewhat because of several reasons, and was looking into occultism, psionics, etc., as most people in rebellion end up doing. I was looking for answers.
One Sunday after the service, I was hanging out in the back and people were walking out heading home. The guy "Joe" came in my direction and said hi and reached out and shook my hand. Immediately I felt this cold burning sensation spreading up my arm from his hand, a spirit manifestation of some kind had gotten onto me from him.
I didn't say anything to him, just said hi and walked away. The manifestation started spreading up my arm. It threw me off completely. I was trying to discern if this was the Spirit of God or something else. It felt weird, it didn't feel good, but I was caught in the moment. What do I do? I was wrestling with whether or not to resist it, I didn't want it to get past my shoulder up to my head if it was not the Holy Spirit, but I was paranoid of resisting it and trying to get it off if it was of God.
I ended up resisting it because it felt strange and uncomfortable. I didn't have a peace about it. So I put my other hand above the arm to the edge of where it was spreading, and started using energy techniques and crap to stop it and get it off. I felt really grieved at the idea of doing this if it was God, but it was too ambiguous and I didn't want to risk it. (note: these "energy techniques" were occultic/psionic crap I have since repented of)
After that, I had some confusion about what spirits people are carrying in the church, and I started wondering about the spirits in the Brownsville Revival.
I started looking online for info and anecdotes, and sure enough, there were a lot of people with reports of supposedly strange spirits at the Revival, etc. People said kundalini was at work in many instances, etc. That seemed to make some sense.
I became watchful of others with manifestations that I had a strange sense about, like Benny Hinn at the time, etc.
Anyways, I talked to some people about this, and told them it may have been kundalini and other spirits at play and what I felt, etc. One guy ran with the idea and started calling "Joe" "Joe Kundalini". I didn't really like this, but didn't say anything, because who knows? Anyways, I think at some point I was saying it was kundalini that was responsible for a lot of these manifestations.
I was trying to discern. I had fears though that I may have already committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit if I was wrong. I would never knowingly and directly say anything against the Holy Spirit, but sin is sin, even if committed in ignorance. I was wondering, was this really God that I felt? Because it did not feel good, it felt strange. Or did it feel strange because I wasn't all that right and walking in sin, so it was evil spirits in me that was recoiling? So many questions.
After that, I became careful of who I touched, etc.
Since then (and before then), I have had many experiences with demons and all that, none of the times felt good obviously, and many times it did feel like a cold burning wind, with a sick feeling on it.
Since last year when I started getting right with God, repenting of my rebellion, and finally got baptized, I have had several manifestations, some that were really powerful, that I do believe WAS the true Holy Spirit. A few times it was somewhat scary, BUT, I didn't loose my peace over it, like I have other times when I've dealt with strange spirits and demons.
So who knows? Maybe I was mistaken and blasphemed, or maybe I was right.
Again, I would never knowingly speak against the Holy Spirit, but when something feels and seems off, it does seem like we're supposed to test the spirits and speak up. I get concerned of false spirits getting on people, etc.
Learning about deliverance and authority over all powers of the enemy has been interesting though. I have been able to counter some terrible demonic attacks recently and bound some demons in people, etc., PRAISE GOD.
But every once in a while, this old fear of what I did over a decade ago speaking about that manifestation that got on me from that guy's hand pops up.
There are many people in the overall church, online, on TV, etc., that have manifestations and miracles. Some of them check out, in my opinion, and others I am not so sure about. Some people have this strange vibe on their face, etc. Something seems off sometimes with certain folks, etc. I could name names if you all are interested.
But the Bible says if people ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, he's not going to give them a snake, so it has always been confusing to me why some people seeking God seemingly end up with something that feels/looks strange? An answer I got recently was that we don't know their hearts, perhaps some are not truly seeking God and have their eyes on something else, so they end up with something else.
I could go on and will, but I'll end for now. Thoughts?