Im going to start this up hopefully tomorrow, anyone here done it before? One thing that confused me was I saw a post from Newport saying only eat Bear garlic... does that mean I can't just go and by any garlic from a health food store? I can't find much info on what Bear garlic is... did I completely mistake what he was saying you think?
It's a great maintenance dose. Keeps vampires away, as well as women (the ones you don't want anything to do with anyway)
When i stopped garlic and took antibiotics many years ago my candida which I was not aware of at the time went from bad to severe. So it is good for maintenance. For purging parasites, I have done 20 cloves a day. I have read of some going up to 30.
Really interesting responses. I am thinking about adding garlic, while i am taking a gram of SSKI, and taking colloidal silver... going for an intense week. Any reason to fear adding this... might tit be too much when with a gram of sski and colloidal silver?