Thats the good news, you have zero choice in the matter! No child can be born by mistake or by human design or should I say healthy child, you never know what the creeps are doing with eggs and sperm in labs accross America in secret. The rich still want to grow babies and harvest their organs.
No, you can not find your mate, search as you please, you just can not do such a thing. In 100% of every case the child was known of before the couple ever met and I believe as Dr. Christopher and other ancients/claravoyants, etc. that the child picks its parents and its life before the couple conceives. So it is impossible to surprise God in any way shape or form.
You must come to realize someday that you are not your body. Your body is a vehical for your spirit to travel around in while on earth. Your body acts out the will of your Spirit, otherwise your body can not move.
What can happen, if you make your body unsuitable and or allow low spirits to torment you while on earth, etc. then odds are maybe your mate will not be guided to you.
In our area the Catholics, Amish and just about all races but the white race have plenty of children. They grow up wanting children and large familys and don't seek to stop this and by Nature children desire to be born into such familys. Much of the white race seeks abortions and can't stay with one mate very long, the more the Mason education the worse the family values and more the values of the animal steril slave.
"IF" you want your mate and everyone seems to have one and has for thousands of years, simply make your self available. When you go to sleep thank God for your life and thank God for every human and animal you met this day and each morning tell God you Love him and that you would be guided to those that you can help and those that can help you.
God knows your every desire before your body knows it, but as the anceints wrote, our God is a jealous God and he wants/demands to be treated as your Father and what Father gives his child rocks when the child ask for bread???? So the moral of this story is "ASK" When you ask and say thank you each day of your life, how can anything be wrong? How can any part of your life not be what God intended for you to learn! How can God not give you what you ask for, because he already knew before the thought ever entered your mind.
If your having troubles, just have a little "faith" in who you are, YOU are the son or daughter of God and have the powers within.
No matter what happens, the ancients stated that many, many people around you do what tyey do becauser God is using them, to examine you. These people are Gods and not for us to worry about, if they should die or live is in the power of their creator, how part in life is what our reactions are, our choices, they are all recorded forever and part of our record. How we respond will determine how our next day will be. We may be tormented this day or that, but eventually it becomes our past. Each day we awake is like a new day at school. Each time we sleep, we are free or school is out. Our real life may be played out while the body sleeps!
Just have a little faith and before you know it, if your wanting a child in your life, that child put that thought with you long before he/she enters your life.