I know that tiredness can be a symptom of the
parasites dying off but what about heart palpitations and chest pain? My ordeal started just over 2 months ago when it seemed like I might be having a heart attack. After many tests through the western medical route, I found someone who sent me for a skin sensitivity test at a company called Red Paw. They found 3
parasites in me, trichinella spiralis, blastocystis hominis and hymenolepis nana plus lots of candida. From what I have read it looks like the trichinella is the one that caused my initial chest pain since they must have been attacking my lung/heart area. I am now eating sugar, wheat and dairy free as well as taking some stuff to get rid of these unwanted guests but am feeling VERY tired but also am still experiencing heart palpitations and chest soreness. Since they seemed to have burrowed in that area initially, does it make sense that the die off and their toxins would produce the same kind of pain? Is there anything to help with die off symptoms besides drinking lots to flush toxins out and of course resting?