I've been reading CZ for a long time now and very confused where to start. There are so many arguments and contradictory protocols given for these various symptoms that I thought a complete one from one person like yourself would be the best answer.
My summary issues. I am 30, all of the below have been with me since 16-17-18 years old. They do vary, but I have not been able to identify a pattern of why. Any suggestions for a complete 3 month plan to systematically test what is "wrong" and start to repair the damage would be great. Thanks!
1) Bloating, particularly after cheese and bread
2) really noxious gas, particularly at night
3) acid reflux
4) bad sleep - waking up lots, early, light sleep, hard to fall asleep
5) anxious
6) distended abdomen
7) consipation, sometimes one BM every 3 days
8) VERY low energy, struggle to be motivated and get things done. Feel like I'm operating around 30% physical capacity.
9) lots of mucous, blocked sinuses, dpost nasal drip. I find it very hard to breathe through my nose. Sometimes one nostril is OK, but both are NEVER clear.
It sounds like you have several separate issues going on.
The bloating and acid reflux are most often from a lack of stomach acid. The abdominal distension is likely just he bloating unless you have some severe liver damage. Then it would likely be ascites. In this case it sounds more like just a simple lack of stomach acid. Here are a few posts you should read:
As for the foul gas this is most often due to a lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Cultured foods and prebiotics are best for restoring the beneficial bacteria (flora):
The sleep, constipation and low energy issues could be from hypothyroidism, which has numerous causes. Have you tried doing your basal body temperature to see if the thyroid could be an issue? This is a lot more accurate than lab tests:
If it is hypothyroidism then how it should be addressed will depend on the cause. Contrary to some claims iodine does not treat all forms of hypothyroidism and it can aggravate autoimmune hypothyroidism at doses a healthy thyroid can handle.
The sinuses could simply be allergies or possibly an infection. There is not enough information to go on.