This is the message he is making down below. Sure he uses some sarcasm. I agree with Thorn. Maybe a little sarcasm is needed for this generation.
But the message is not evil, it's good!
I love how I feel after a great sermon, after a beautiful song about Christ, after a closeness I feel with God after being in the word, or pouring out my heart to Him in prayer. And I believe God delights in us having those wonderful feelings! He is the one that made us to have those feelings, along with other feelings. Our feelings are a huge part of us! But we just can't rely on them. I can't base my Christian walk on how I feel. I feel like God loves me more today, so that must mean that He does. I feel like God doesn't love me as much today, so that must mean that He doesn't. No, that's not how it works, and that is one of the points I believe he is trying to get across. Jesus didn't rely on His feelings as He walked on the earth, and neither should we. This is what He is saying. Is that evil?
Sin does make us feel distant from God, but does that mean we are? No! God is still right with us when we sin, just like always. He doesn't leave us. Chasing a spiritual high shouldn't be what makes us feel close to God again. Understanding that God never leaves us, even if we have sinned, and that His grace and mercy never fails for His children, should bring us to remorse when we sin and cause us to cling to God's mercy and grace for us, and thank Him continually for it. And that ongoing relationship with God, who will never fail us, should be what we are relying on, not how we feel at the moment, not how a song lifts us up, or a good sermon, etc. Those are wonderful things, but just not what we rely on, and this is his point.
"I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand…
There are going to be many times when my relationship with Christ is sweet, and I find myself in the “sweetest frame”. Scripture seems alive, I see more of Christ through every sermon, and my prayers are passionate.
Other times I won’t be in a sweet frame. I’ll be in the desert. Reading scripture will be work, prayer will seem excruciating, and I won’t have the slightest sense of the presence of God.
In the sweet times I’m tempted to believe that God delights in me because of my devotion. In the dry times I’m tempted to despair of God ever loving me. It can feel like a roller coaster at times.
But I dare not trust the sweetest frame. In sweet times I rely solely on the righteousness of Christ. I stand on Christ the solid rock. And I dare not despair during the dry times, because I still stand on Christ, solid rock.
God’s love, affection, and care for me never diminish while I stand on the Solid Rock."
Stephen Altrogge
My Hope... song