preserve your sample in rubbing alcohol. I have used empty and well rinsed pill bottles. put in only one oranism per bottle.
I have been advised to order a digital microscope from a company online. Get one that allows you to photograph each sample, and allows you to download info/pictures (which allows you to email them to your doctors or laboratories.)
If it is visible to the naked eye, slap that thing about 3/4's up from the bottom of your bathroom mirror. Scotch tape a tape measure or ruler up to show size. Take digital photos from every angle you can. Being on the mirror will light the sample well & show it's front/back view. Before it dries up, put it in rubbing alcohol.
Formalin, which is used for stool samples disintegrates a lot of different parasites. DON'T rely upon putting an organism into that. It is almost like placing it in acid. A doctor/lab will not be able to identify it.
Good Luck!