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The Dark Side of The Alternative Health Movement: Promoting Ingested Iodine
Written by Sarah Cain Thursday, 14 May 2009 02:34
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Hurting people for profits, hidden agendas, and simple stupidity happens in the alternative health care community too. I wish it were not so, but a person must carefully appraise who he trusts. The misinformation being distributed about
Iodine is a depressing confirmation of this.
Iodine Picture
I have recently read quite a few remarks about ingesting iodine, particularly in regards to a solution known as
Lugol's Iodine. This solution is 5 g. of synthetic iodine, and 10 g. of synthetic potassium
Iodide per 100 milliliters of distilled water.
Iodine is useful as a topical antiseptic, and topical applications eliminate a plethora of health issues wrought by iodine deficiency. Because our soils have been depleted by synthetic fertilizers, and because we intake processed foods, iodine is just one of many minerals the citizens of industrialized nations tend to be starving for.
It is important for everyone to know that synthetic iodine is poisonous when orally consumed. The problems that ingested iodine cause with the central nervous system mimic other well known poisons; for instance, the metallic taste it produces is also found in arsenic poisonings.
There are rogue people in the alternative health movement who advocate drinking as much as three teaspoons of synthetic iodine daily; to supposedly cure and prevent countless illnesses. This is a case of snake oil. Their advice is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous; as shown by the many cases of their followers giving it children.
The poisonous short term effects of ingested iodine are well known, but the consequences of trace amounts being ingested, over a period of years, are unknown. I have written this hoping that those considering following such horrendous advice will research enough to find the truth prior to hurting themselves, or their loved ones.
Iodine poisoning is known to produce the following symptoms.
Abdominal pain
Metallic taste in mouth
Mouth and throat pain
Inability to urinate
Shortness of breath
Excessive thirst
Profuse vomiting
The people who are advocating oral iodine intake allege that the synthetic iodine itself is not toxic, and the toxic effects are a result of methanol being inside over-the-counter products. They mention Legol's Iodine as the gold standard for ingestible iodine, and boast about its lack of methanol. However, the National Institutes of Health specifically cites
Lugol's Iodine as being poisonous, and even its fumes are dangerous whenever it is heated. Do any other mineral supplements require environmental protection suits in their production process?
Lugol's Iodine lacks methanol, so it is treated by the quacks as the iodine to be taken by mouth, despite all the other facts.
Some of those who are consuming pharmaceutical iodine (and even giving it to their children) believe that the synthetic iodines must be safe because iodine is added to salt and bread, in order to compensate for our modern dietary deficiency of it. This is actually not the case. It is normally trace amounts of potassium
Iodide (not iodine) that is present in food items, which is a non-toxic chemical relative of iodine that helps relieve some of our deficiencies. While
Iodide can also be found in Lugol's solution, and inside other standard iodine solutions, it is also mixed with toxic synthetic iodine. It is worth noting that iodine is much safer when combined with carbohydrates like bread, because starches are known to somewhat neutralize its toxic effects.
Organic iodine is found in some foods naturally, including eggs,
Sea Salt , yogurt, cheese, asparagus, garlic, beans, spinach, and many more. As is usual with all critical minerals, organic (safe) iodine is found in exponentially higher amounts in organic foods, and there is no comparison between organic iodine and the synthetic versions of iodine. It is another glaring example of the difference between God-made and man-made foods.
Iodine deficiencies (combined with fluoride) are the cause of the hypothyroidism epidemic. Hypothyroidism generally strikes women, causing fatigue and weight gain, amongst many other problems (including cancer). Therefore, we recommend topical applications of iodine, because there is no known toxicity when it is absorbed through the skin into the blood. No person anywhere understands why this is, but it is a verifiable fact that low to moderate amounts of iodine are harmless when absorbed transdermally.
Back in 2007, all of the members of our household decided to test if we were iodine deficient. Everyone was. Want to test yourself? You should place some Iodine (we used a standard 2% solution) on your stomach. Make a circle the size of a quarter. If it disappears within 12 hours, then you are iodine deficient, because a body will only absorb iodine at the rate it needs. Do not become alarmed if you are deficient, because most people are now, and it is very easy to fix. During times of illness, iodine will rapidly absorb to show just how important its role is in the immune system. Iodine is the basis of all nutrients in your body, since the cells need it to regulate their metabolism. Without it, people are known to suffer from swollen glands in the throat, decreased fertility rates, increased infant mortality rates, and (with severe deficiency) mental retardation. It has also been theorized as a cause of A.D.H.D. for newborns of iodine deficient mothers. It is the critical nutrient that powers the thyroid, and is therefore paramount to a healthy immune system, and metabolism. Iodine furthermore is the only substance known to neutralize fluoride stored inside the body, and helps shield against radiation poisoning. In other words, it's really good stuff.
Iodine poisoning was uncommon in the past, because routine ingestion was never recommended by anyone -- until recently. It shows the dark side of the alternative health movement, and we have a duty to combat dangerous lies. I hope that this article will be of use to many people out there, and it may even stop a few child deaths. Please leave a comment if you have anything at all to add.
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet regarding the application of iodine in those with Hashimoto's, so it is prudent that we comment. Dosage is especially important in these cases, as the overdose of iodine can cause the thyroid to shut down completely. However, a small amount of iodine does help this condition. Problems occur in those who take
Potassium Iodide supplements, and those who take internal iodine drops. However, we have not found any evidence of this in those who apply iodine transdermally. Remember that the transdermal application allows the body to regulate the absorption at its own rate.
Editor's Note
If you feel that you must or should consume iodine orally, then get it through supplementation with red marine algae. It is the only truly safe and natural source of iodine. Other marine plants have dangerous bottom-feeding toxins such as heavy metals and P.C.B..
It is worth noting that Dr. Guy E. Abraham has been repeatedly quoted and cited by our visiting iodine drinkers, as their "expert"; so it is worth a moment to discuss him. Guy Abraham is the lone messiah of iodine drinkers, and his followers are like the church members who are snake handlers in bizarre self-poisoning rituals. It is why we spend little time responding to them, or allowing them to use this site as a forum to win new converts. The faithful of the Church of Abraham point to his credentials as a professor and M.D., but we feel that these actually harm his credibility, in that in previous times he was a willing part of a system that routinely gives even children radioactive iodine for "health benefits" to virtually destroy any chance of them having a long and healthy life. By the way, this same man, who is their One True Source of information concerning iodine as soda pop, also just coincidentally happens to be an executive officer of a company that sells supplements containing straight iodine. Funny how that works, eh?
We have a duty and responsibility to not poison our own readers, and therefore, such hapless garbage will not be allowed on our site. Feel free to read it elsewhere. Taking responsibility for our actions and holding fast to a code of journalistic ethics are a few of the things that make us different, and better.
Further Reading:
Audio Report: Calling Poison Control Verifying the Foolishness of Drinking Iodine
Choosing The Right Iodine and Avoiding The Povidone Iodine Found In Most U.S. Retailers
Iodine Deficiencies
How To Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally
First Aid For Iodine Poisoning: In the event that somebody is searching the internet in a bid to quickly neutralize iodine: Give the person milk, cornstarch or flour, and continue to provide milk every 15 minutes. Starches (bread, flour, rice, potatoes, and other carbohydrates) greatly neutralize synthetic iodine. A dose of activated charcoal would be a wise choice too. DO NOT give these items if the patient is having symptoms that make it hard to swallow (such as vomiting, convulsions, or a decreased level of alertness). Contact Poison Control immediately. The National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States.