I am screaming with pain several times in last 2 weeks. Bedridden about 10 days of it
got a little better then 36 hours ago or so got worst again,
question on Dr Christopher formula at the bottom in red btw..this is main thing I am hoping to get answered
Cant do hardly anything. Didn't eat today for 20 hours as afraid to get out of bed and experience that kind of pain again,
Screamed, cried and whimpered all the way downstairs hurt so bad to walk and sit I can only eat cans or quickly to gather uncooked foods to shorten time sitting as it hurts like pain I rarely feel.
Need ideas to help pain..chiropractor I can only see once a month due to insurance and poverty. would like to try natural before surgery but did finally consent to steroid shots had 4 total none helped but last one apparently triggered this new episode the worst since the initial severe pain bedridden whole of 3 weeks. Only thing I was offered is surgery but only if I get to healthier level, medicine that I am afraid to take too much and physical therapy which I currently am in to much pain to get there let alone do it.
history== 25 wrecks including a 55 MPH crash where I had to be cut out of car and missed death by one second everyone who saw the car says and almost went into shock 9 days later when doctors kept me 3 days and released and had internal bleeding from lacerated organs they missed .X-ray dept said I had two fractures when I called saying my back hurt a lot that doctors never mentioned so not sure about that
also run over by a car when walking. Over the last 25 years had several herniated discs. The run over wreck had me using a wheelchair and in terrible pain over a year but could go to chiropractor then and he eventually got me better.
Finally tried steroid spinal shots did nothing., last one apparently triggered this new attack and caused a lot of pain when they did it. could not hardly walk to a waiting wheelchair as hip really hurt.
2 1/.2 years ago intense pain and it left me bedridden for 3 weeks unable to walk brother bringing ice for cooler and eating salads and soup. When I began walking and got out of car on the 4th weeks (also there were numerous pops, pain and some screaming incidents when I turned a certain way or tried to walk in my back, hip, groin, knee.
They say it is stemming from L3-L5/S1 anyway was getting out of car week after leaving the bed trying to get back to life and something shifted/pooped loudly in thigh/groin area and within 15 minutes the bottom half of my leg went numb and started having intense painful nerve sensations that feel like my leg is in a vise being squeezed.Tried to get MRI they refused them Dr said get a specialist to try to get it approved and he said last week he never did them over a certain age and I was beyond that. But now I am suspecting it may be from back not knee, thigh or hip as it got a little worst from this back in my leg not like normal sciatica it is different.
I tried to get help for all this time but long waiting lists. I only had a few pain pills this week leftover from the .dentist. Afraid to take neurontin (for nerve pain and tons of side effects) and ibuprofen except on occasion for some reason but in desperation finally took a few which help some but not wanting to take drugs often. the pain was so bad I couldn't even considered suicide as a lot of other things also going on.
after a week in bed I tried to walk and severe pain but if I use ice and take the drugs and ride out the pain, my back felts better but when I go to bed, pain comes back in morning bad again
the initial back pain got better but leg parasthesia remains and there every day but at least I could function --for 2 weeks even since I had that steroid shot I am dying with pain..it got a little better last few days but now back again.
I'm trying to get another mattress if that is exacerbating it but cant get till I can walk and look as must buy used which takes longer to get.
I have a scriipt for water physical therapy but afraid to do as in so much pain and once I did pt and it killed me but was not in water. Cant hardly get to car even with cane or walker right now.
I have 4 herniated discs, severe spinal stenosis in central canal and side hole where nerves come out, several bone spurs, disc degeneration, arthritis and even a few times had urine and fecal incontinence but not all the time.
they said I might benefit from 3 laminectomies which terrifies me the thought of back surgery. He said 80% success on leg only (in addition to leg right now the entire left half of my body below the waist (except several inches at the thigh) all the lower vertebrates/back, hips, leg. in a wide diffusing circle of pain.
But even if I wanted it and tonight I was in such horrific pain I almost thought I have got to do something, 2 weeks ago things were bearable this is worst in 2 1/2 years..I could sit and walk with difficulty prior once my back started getting better a few years ago when it all started getting worst.
I did not know how good I had it then even though that made it hard to walk and hurt but this is like maybe a 12 out of 10. But last few days had dropped to a 7 1/2 but today back and bad.
They said they cannot do surgery as it could kill me and also could do so up to a year after surgery due to diabetes. It needs to be normal and is not being maybe anywhere from 200 to 450 generally. I finally after 3 years resistance started taking a diabetic drug in case I need to do this surgery but not successful so far and the only drug I sort of trust is metformin..I can go up one more pill she said and then have to add new drugs which I do not want to do.
They said must get it normal and lose some weight. Tried several kinds of exercise and all hurt me (I also have two dead nerves in my arm and need they said cubital and carpal tunnel surgery and have tennis elbow. Water aerobics made my leg worst and my back crack and walking cant do and chair aerobics made the tennis elbow so bad I could not lift a cup without my arm hurting from wrist to shoulder blade.
Is there anything natural that could help me or help widen those disc spaces/canals?
I am afraid to use Dr Christopher's bone flesh and cartilage as might make the passage narrower by growing new bone..what might dissolve bone spurs. Acupuncture also did not help. I know some herbs for nerves but if they are actively being pinched how could they regenerate.
this is my main question would this bf and c formula make the canals bones widen or shorter would it cause more or less pinching of the herbs would it grow bones like the lady with the missing vertabrae or would it make the afreas go to normal as iot did that girl with the crushed pelvis [putting things to their right plavce again.
I have herbs that regenerate nerves but will not help if it is being pinched so surgery would solve that but cant get blood sugar down this fa r and scary as I have no one to help me get through healing which might take a year surgeon said--I always thought I wold never get abck surgery but how can I live if this keeps happening and I cant copok, clean shop go to doctors or anything, but lay thier trying to ge by..
I was thinking maybe apple cider vinegar might help with arthritis and maybe dissolve the bone spurs which might widen the disc..do you think it would?
any help at all you can give would be very appreciated. They put me on super high vitamin d as it was only 3 (30 normal but not optimal which is at least 60_ Now it is 13 and they doubled my dose this week They gave me calcium and magnesium but my blood calcium is too high so one doctor advised not taking the calcium and did not address magnesium as she is having a baby so I am not taking those two nutrients.
Just read not to take magnesium if I take that nerve pain drug neurontin..
help please help..I help a lot of people but cannot anymore till I can type without all this pain etc.
what herbs how much of them any foods or exercises or things that can help with severe spinal stenosis, arthritis and parasthesia or any of these.
bless you
While I appreciate your hating to see people suffering and attempt to help very much, unfortunately, your whole post made me feel dirty and guilty and shaking my head
I definitely identify with Job. what I have listed here is just a tiny fraction of the suffering I have endured in life. Even crisis counselors tell me on hearing some of the things I have gone through say how strong I am and how much I have gone through, people I know tell me I am so unlucky and cant catch a break. Some are burned out from my stressful life and some even say they are afraid to be around me as maybe some of my bad luck will rub off. They say do you think God is mad at you and naturally I am at a loss for why my life has been so hard and it is one thing after another and serious things.
Job though if you remember had not done anything wrong when God allowed intense suffering in his life.
My life has been divided into normal life with regular problem the first half and horrible life with many serious problems last half.
I am slightly older than you and I too have never met anyone personally who had to go through as much as I have though I am just talking about people I know not all those world wide as many suffered in life far more than me. I am sure just none I know of personally.
I have thought for a long time I had a curse put on me when I had an encounter with an evil man ranting about his hatred for a family who had just all burned in a fire next to us and that I felt had radiated evil and later finding out he hated me..that is when things started going bad.
Also my mother said some gypsy once put a curse of our whole family and not one of us has not had some simply horrible things happen to us.
As a Christian, I do not believe in past lives as the bible says "it is appointed to men once to die and after this (comes) the judgment" and I believe the bible tremendously.
Although there may have been some exceptions of reincarnations like Elijah generally I don't think we lived a bunch of past lives.
We have grown so used to thinking of/hearing about karma that most of us do not even question it as a concept, but these beliefs stem from eastern tradition which is very different than my beliefs.
While sometimes it seems we do get our karma, it seems, often people escape at least in this life and since I would not think the universe would play favorites, this seems to indicate this is not the cause of our suffering.
Some people like in the true stories of survivors of the Khmer rouge holocaust suffered the most horrible torments imaginable many losing their entire families.
My own Cambodian refugee neighbors lost 5 of their 10 children. So many witnessed unbelievable animosities and it seems like you are saying they deserved it as they might have done something bad and horrible in a past life perhaps killing a bunch of people and now they must witness the killings of their own most dear. I don't believe that.. (Hebrews 9:2)these people were victims of the actions of others who chose to do this in my opinion and not paying for past life sins.
Maybe I am wrong as noone knows but this is my belief as much suffering comes to us as a result f natural laws and the free will actions of another.
Just as I was the victim of 23 people who not paying attention, speeding or what not hit me car as only 2 of the 25 wrecks were my fault. The human body is not designed to take 55 mph hits to the body and the realty is with back problems and/or arthritis, the body in trying to stabilize one's spine, grows bones spurs but the added bone width of these spurs narrows the disc area and foramen sections of the spine, where nerve/s must pass through and they get pinched and pinched nerves can feel like this.
God does not violate our free will nor does he suspend natural laws like gravity and the damage that comes from (wrecks)traveling in ways not originally created for us to get from place to place might do to us.
That is why I am suffered back pain enough to make me scream from nerve pain which nerves can be the most painful injuries to the human body. It is not from (IMO) past life karma or previous traumatic death or even putting the wrong thing in my subconscious (though there is a possibility of anything I suppose) but rather the consequence of what natural law brings about when someone is hit many times at high and unnatural rates of speed and from bone spurs etc narrowing that space where the nerves are and pinching them.
I do have considerable sin in my life having lived 6 decades but I also have also done much good, In fact,. hundreds and hundreds of people have told me I am so kind, nice, sweet, and have a heart of gold and I have helped thousands of people in my life often at considerable cost to myself.
Why would I be asked to pay karma or rather I think you said chose it for past lives that there is no proof exist when people I have known who did simple atrocious things to others live the high life with few problems.
My Cambodian refugee neighbors were exceptionally sweet people, did they deserve to have all that suffering or cause it from harm to others in some allegedly past life or accident that they still are feeling.
It does not seem to work that way..at least in this life, some people seem to get their karma when we know they did bad stuff in past and others seem to get off scott free at least till the next life/judgment.
The thing is I have had an extraordinary amount of bad events happens but God has helped me through so many often in amazing ways. My life seems to be one of intensity..a huge number of strengths and a huge number of weaknesses utter lonesomeness and yet contact with thousands.Bad things followed by answers..who can understand it how to live through such a life. I was once told it is like I am living 15 lives at once.
I can guarantee you I cannot afford it when if a get a flat tire, trying to buy a 30 dollar used one is like a calamity as I have next to nothing after bills. I have not bought clothes or shoes in 15 years I bet. I struggle and I have none to help me as I have had rejection and apathy from those who should technically care (family). I would never use any money for that (past life regression etc) when I might need it for some big crisis like I had recently with my car. when you are living on that low an income things like you suggested are out of the question even if I knew it would help. I just don't have the money or anyone who would give it to me.
I must mention I am no longer screaming with pain though I have pain still and parasthesia remains..they say for life but I am not so sure I believe that. I found out some things that I think helped and did them and someone on here offered to help me free and I will post more on that later as I evaluate what has happened and if they is relapse.
I do think some things might be going on I have been feeling very negative having suffered from severe clinical depression, anxiety and having next to no sleep in 35 years due to 3 sleep disorders. But I think maybe the law of attraction may be in force bringing bad luck to my in a quantum physics kind of way of bad attracting bad.
But I recently learned from this member on here who helped me that one must first clear the negative before the positive can be put into subconscious and body.
I do think maybe my subconscious is involved in this suffering. I do not think it is stemming from childhood as I had a happy childhood but this one thing did happen to me but I don't have many details and there was something else I may have perceived incorrectly that got stuck in subconscious but since my problems did not start so badly till my 30s I doubt it is that or I would have had bad all along and I did not,..I lived a regular life with some good and some bad but nothing like the daily problems I live through the last 3 decades.
I am trying to use EFT tapping to see if that helps me reprogram the subconscious.
I do think the mind is very powerful but I feel many of the bad things that happened to me came as a result of other people decisions and free will (for instance-rapes, stalking, rejection, and so forth) or as a natural consequence of unwritten laws of the universe...25 wrecks weakens greatly the back and my chiropractor explained even at the same impact, if one car has cartons off eggs as a fragile cargo and another has steel balls as its cargo, the one with the fragile cargo gets hurt worst and my previously injured body was that fragile cargo...even small wrecks hurt me more as an previously injured person than it would a never injured person and natural law took its toll as the body was not meant to endure these impacts of car accidents even milder ones.
There are some plausible explanations for the things I suffer but the rate I suffer them is the thing that draws attention..the bad seems never ending.
I have on other sites when posting just part of what I suffered been accused of lying or having a made up soap opera life and told noone goes through all that and yet I have sadly.
My mom had a kind of similar life in some ways and her mom before her so maybe it was that was the gypsy "curse" who knows.
I think maybe if I could figure out how to reprogram the subconscious but we don't even know what's in there and even if I could afford a hypnotist not sure I could be put under, I once went to an entertainment show and there were like 15 of us onstage and I was the only one unable to be hypnotized but maybe a professional could?
I must recall what Jesus said in John 9:2-3
His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.
They believed similar to you in reincarnation/karma as they believed in the doctrine of transmigration. The Hindus still hold it and profess to tell precisely the sin which the person committed in another body, by the afflictions which he endures in this: they profess also to tell the cures for these. For instance, they say the headache is a punishment for having, in a former state, spoken irreverently to father or mother etc
That what we did in that life affects this one....but who says this is true noone knows for sure what religious belief is true and noone can prove or disprove these things they are just theories or beliefs and maybe if past life regression does work though some day it is bogus maybe this has some type of placebo effect who knows
I chose to believe the bible that says we live and die once though maybe the bible is lies who knows or Jesus who said our sufferings are not from things we did or deserve but rather so God can show his power in making good come from bad.
When you live through it though it going bad for so many decades, it is hard to see good coming from bad but I often find looking back years later things make more sense but sometimes it never makes sense. People have grappled with suffering forever.
The bottom line is your post made me seem and feel guilty and I had a great childhood for the most part and don't believe in past lives and though I sinned a lot in this life, I also did so much good too and feel if it is karma from this life at least that it is more than I would have deserved/expected to have for my transgressions. I feel on those rare times I feel god talking to me that he sees the good I have done and is not mad at me.
A born again believer would not feel God would come to offer a free salvation and then make us pay for it with suffering day after suffering day so I cant believe really that this is some kind of deserved punishment as that would nullify what Jesus did at Calvary.
If we had to suffer to work off our debt why the heck do we need a savior. In fact for me to believe these eastern religious and philosophical believes would nullify my deepest convictions of a doctrine of grace.
I think suffering is not necessarily the will of God but lies in the fact that God restricts His power..He cant do anything evil, He does not violate our free will and He does not change natural laws for instance in suspending the law of gravity to save a baby falling from a high building. But this does not mean He wants these bad things in our life..His power I suppose is seen in how he works this and that out to let us see how he works things out for eventual good and for our growth..
Yet when in the midst of suffering I too blame God and curse life. But I don't think it is that simple. A God who can build a word so complex that each growing food has so much healing power in it and the beautiful diversity of birds, flowers, sunsets, rocks etc -who invents a system of breastfeeding and hormones that causes women to become more motherly etc would have a less complicated answer for why people suffer or why some suffer more or less and I suppose one will have to wait to have this explained to us in ways that will eventually resonate with us for why this was the way it had to be.
The bottom line is someone on here sent me a message and has tried to help me and I discovered though chance some things that got me while far from perfect or pain free, no longer screaming the past month or so though I have bad days.
And for that I am so grateful as who could live with that much pain and et people do...I will never forget decades ago hearing this man on the radio injured in war who suffered intense and severe nerve damage talking about his intense nerve pain and wishing everyday he could die and I think talking of suicide. I know few things hurt like nerve pain and for moments I got such nerve pain I almost went out of my mind but luckily that super super intense one left if I changed positions so only had that for short time and the other nerve pain I had though it made me scream was still less intense than some I felt and that which some people must live with. Nerve pain can range from awful to want to die awful most of it bad.
To put it all to these other events like past life trauma, karma etc and not understand that this is how the body sometimes reacts to car accidents is not too cool.
I never forget in one of these books on the survivor accounts that were shocking in what these Cambodians suffered I never heard such awful tails in my life there was in one book, a picture of a man who had just found out his entire family--wife and a dozen kids-- was killed suddenly in a single bombing the US did,...the look of pain etched on his face never left me..to say that was some fault of his cause of some past death or event from another life or some karma he chose to take on to balance things or something he did would be cruel..I can't buy that...he did nothing..we did it...we killed his whole family.
Maybe not deliberately who knows but it was the event of natural law and mans; free will..it was our free will that God did not stop of war and it was the natural law of a bomb hitting you causes death and destruction it is designed to do by man.
It's like many of the things we suffer --they have a cause. How many people die awful deaths of cancer etc caused by things we put in the environment for profit and stuff like that. Not everything that happens to us is our fault.
God often gets blamed saying it was God's will someone died when maybe it was cause they smoked or cause some company had a filthy, disease ridden slaughterhouses and the evil or deranged person killed their child or something
I cannot understand how you see someone suffering one woe after another and you immediately think somehow it is their fault or something..sometime sh_t happens.
I cannot think it is just an accident that this person who its seems helped me contacted me just as I don't think it is an accident that God sends certain sick people to me for advice.
I think we are not quick enough to see God in the good that happens but maybe too quick to see Him in the bad.
I would have a hard time understanding how a person was so nice and kind and went so out of their way for someone that they told them they are so unique and different and one in 6 billion would have a past life of absolutely torturing people to get this kind of karma.
I don't see how someone could go from so mean to so kind in a lifetime. The whole thing does not rally resonate with me though I did think about it. In the end, I must go with what the gospel says on this matter.
Nonetheless, I do thank you for having the kindness to think about it and try to offer some help and suggestions. That I disagree with them does not mean I do not recognize your caring in responding or the possibility that maybe you are right and I am wrong but one cannot prove beliefs of this type so go with what feel true to them. Perhaps the suggestions even if they do not help me might help some other readers.