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E-mail responses from her: Thank you for your inquiry. The success rate depends on compliance. The speed depends on severity. People who have a small rash - less than 2 cm or a localized problem (chronic vaginitis), get results in less than a week. People who have systemic problems feel better day by day but may have to use the Candida Cleaner for months to reach their final goal. In my private medical practice, it was difficult to convince people to take The Candida Cleaner. among those who did, there was a 98% success rate. This was dependent on continued adherence to The Candida Cleaner protocol. Over the years, I was able to determine that drifting off the protocol resulted in relapse in about a 6 week time frame. Since the Candida Cleaner costs about 7 cents a dose, continued use was not a financial strain. There is much more information about this in the program. I hope this answers your questions. Dr Jennifer Daniels 2. The Candida Cleaner does most of its work by repelling the Candida so that it wants to leave your body quickly. It does not cause the Candida to spill open and release toxic chemicals. It causes the Candida to cease metabolic activity, stop emitting irritating chemicals and pray that it is able to find a better host soon. This is why it is so effective. The Candida actually WANTS to leave your body. Dr Jennifer (Healing is Natural) Daniels One of these days I might experiment a little with this. Just afraid of the inflammation response it might create.