You don't feel anything because a Terminator 2 zapper uses a low voltage and a very low intensity.
Also the 2 electrodes being near, when you wear it during a long time, your skin perspires and some of the current travels between the 2 electrodes without going deep in the body.
The purpose of this zapper is to "charge" the body, it doesn't kill
parasites instantly.
From Don Croft website :
parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged.
The introduction of weak electric current (via the Zapper) destroys
parasites by reversing their polarity. Negative ions are added to encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged.
Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (shortage of electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly.
Negative ions will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generates the ions.
Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but also disintegrate and are easily assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.
The others zappers that i know rely on this same method or claim that they can kill parasites with their frequency or waveform. From my tests and experiences with several zappers, i have found that there is a lot of hype and talk, but not really great die off effects.
But electricity has helped me to produce die off so it means it works but there is a parameter to improve.
I think most zappers use a too low voltage to have an intensity high enough to kill all parasites in all parts of the body.
I currently try another approach : to use a higher voltage and a higher allowed intensity (with a fuse to protect the human body) so that the parasites die instantly from selective electrocution (an intensity high enough to kill the parasites but low enough to not damage the human body.)
More reports soon.