Possibly larger than 12mm stones, just as the header says use the additional treatments:"
Being the other two stone breakers or the ghee and malate? Sorry im confused, probly thy brainfog.
Also as you can see from many people they have many stones so the dwell may need to be increased dramatically."
Could i get a rough estimate by chance? Cant dowse yet. These
Gallstones are just my biggest symptomatic problem right now it seems.
When I developed this I could feel them break which was always under 60 seconds"
Iodide too?
When I developed this I could feel them break which was always under 60 seconds."
say whaaaaat? thats unreal! Are u talking about just from iodine? If so i gotta know what that dosage was cause that would be a strait miracle for me, these stones have been f**** my life up for roughly two years -- popping them in 60 seconds would be like having t-meckenna's Singularity on the freakin horizin for me, lol. Not to metion i have been hittin the Ghee up pretty hard for at least 2 years now as well.