Hi All,
I'm 23 living in Australia. After a hike last December I got symptoms of diarrhea that were explosive for the first two days and since then my gut hasn't resolved (it's mostly mushy stools with lots of particles that detach).
I was 73kg in december, I'm now 60kg :( All blood tests have returned normal, but I have been tested positive many times for blasto.
The symptoms that I have had since December:
- Diarrhea
- Tiredness
- Brain fog
- Rapid heart rate
- Some lymph nodes enlarged (elbow, neck, top of chest)
- Tinea on foot from hike
- Rash on anus (has been there for years though, doc diagnosed me with
Psoriasis in 2006)
Symptoms of the new year include all above and after taking flagyl (400mg three times daily, could only finish 13/21 tablets)
- Heart palpitations (strange episodes I went to hospital twice because I was scared from them, but cardiologist found nothing)
- Sleep disruption
- Breathing through mouth when I wake from sleeping
- Extreme fatigue
I had a really bad reaction to the flagyl, here's basically what happened:
-Diarrhea worse
-Could barely walk, felt so tired and sick
-Rapid heart rate when doing simple activities like walking
-Could barely eat
-Strange feelings through my nervous system like I was getting weird electric shocks
- Developed geographical red patches on tongue, rash on head of penis (seems to be aggrevated by heat)
I discontinued after 13/21 tablets as I was just too sick, and almost went to hospital (I could barely move, was in a ball in my bed).
I'm now much more stable after recovering from the worst of the flagyl, but my sleeping patterns are f'd, my rapid heart rate not much better, and I'm continuing to lose weight with diarrhea.
Naturopath has put me on a diet involving no grains,wheat,dairy. I am taking citricidal 34% and some lemon balm to help ease my heart. I still have palpitations and they scare the shit out of me but I think it might be due to anxiety which has probably developed over the last 3 months of being unwell (I haven't been able to exercise at all).
I live near the CDD but I'm not really ready to take the triple cocktail as I'm scared it will have adverse reactions like flagyl.
If you have any advice I'd be very grateful!
The specialised histopath stool samples only detected small numbers of blasto after the treatment, but the fact is it's still there?