I have seen your earlier post (about IF#1/IF#2) - I'm just so behind I haven't had a chance to answer it (I do have good info to share on that!). Regarding the gallbladder/biliary attacks...
Mix 3T of raw/organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with between 1/2 cup - 1 cup of apple juice (or any kind of juice, or even water, if you don't have apple juice)...and drink it down. That will stop most any gallbladder/biliary attack. You should feel relief within a few minutes and be completely out of the weeds in 15-30 minutes.
jboy is 100% correct! One of the biggest reasons for gallbladder/biliary attacks when
parasite cleansing is the dead/rotting liver fluke carcasses. The fastest/best way to increase the flow of bile and push them out is a coffee enema.
Here's a link to our compilation of FAQs:
Be sure to check out the
parasite FAQ first, and then dig in deep on the Colon FAQ (and then the Liver :)
Also important (!) - most all humans that aren't having several natural/healthy bowel movements daily, have some level of swelling throughout their colon. Guess what the transverse colon presses against? The liver & gallbladder! This is just one of the many reasons that to heal ourselves, the order of cleansing is alwaysAlwaysALWAYS "colon FIRST & FOREMOST". Please read this post (as it relates to liver/gallbladder & the colon), as soon as you possibly can.
Hang in there - the human body is a miraculous self-healing organism/machine (that is much smarter and more sophisticated than all the computers, doctors & researchers in the world combined). All we have to do is learn to work *with* the natural body, in ways that are 100% natural to our body (and totally synchronized with it's healing priorities & stragegies). Lyme IS beatable and you CAN restore your health and be in charge of your life again!