...The most stunning results, for me, were improvements on the very first day.
The one improvement I was desperate for was 'stinging' in the urinary tract.
Some, occasionally, has returned. But, the relief is stunning.
I belong to me once more.
Oh, the joy!
(A lady who 'knows' told me that my ailments come from a lack of joy in my life. I am glad to say that has changed now that I know I CAN be well once more. You should see me walk. Hee-hee.)
Thank you to Blueciel who pointed out the book, and to Dr. Davis, who had the conviction and strength to report the studies.
I haven't even read the book, except page 257, the recipe for Apple-Walnut Cake which substitued for wheat products. We made three batches, and now are into Carrot Cake.
Hon, I think there is a 'detox' period, over a few days. I'll be better able to tell, after a while.
But, figure this...if dropping wheat/grains helps, there is a wonderful out for doctors.
All they need to do is declare a study that more patients are 'celiac' than they had thought.
Declare that all the patients in a hospital, or all the patients in a practice, should go without wheat or grain for a month.
Those who feel better will, of course, continue.
I know I have noticed the suggestion to give up wheat several times over the years, but it didn't 'stick'.
Perhaps it was the word 'belly' that caught my attention this time.
I don't mind admitting that I have a 'belly', or that I have been battling incontinence. That's the advantage of being 'older'
The pain of incontinence, and the sometimes hopelessness of ever being 'in control' of ones self again is very painful...and we all face it.
Luckily, these feelings only make me mad, and I can still feel joy.
There may be some other reasons for incontinence, but I can tell you I'm so glad for this improvement, so far.
Here it is, for all the folks who are desperate as I was.
I'm so glad to hear from you, my friend. Thank you.