Hi all,
I've been on the anti-Candida diet for 3 months. I haven't really added any 'major' anti-fungals until now. Reason being, I'm scared of die-off symptoms! When I first started just the diet only, I felt like complete and utter crap for the 1st month and 1/2! I had 0 energy, dropped
pounds quickly even when keeping count of my calories, could barely stand up to even take a shower, broke out into hives, had a heavy coated tongue, under eye circles, hair fell out in the shower in clumps, aches and pains and popping, had to control my mood swings when I babysat (and I usually LOVE kids) etc. Basically, all of my existing symptoms amplified by a LOT. I felt like dying to say the least. I've gotten better, but I still have my ups and downs, I'm not expecting to feel 100% in 3 months (though it feels like it's been SO much longer) because I think I've been battling Candida for a few years now.
Anyway, I just recently incorporated Oil of Oregano capsules into my routine. At first I was rotating between low doses of garlic and raw coconut oil. I started out with only taking 1 capsule of Oil of Oregano before bed, and I'd always wake up with a strong taste of Oregano in my mouth, and a heavier coated tongue than usual. It was also making me constipated so I had to figure out ways to make myself go...
Well, for the past 2 days, I've been taking 2 capsules and in the middle of the day. My random rashes have flared up, but I have a new symptom... my arms feel like they're burning! I feel like I have a really bad sunburn, especially around my elbows. I also have a small sore at the point of each one. I don't know if this is a die-off symptom or something else. I haven't changed anything in my diet.
With all of these issues - especially with my skin and losing weight - I suspect that I have a
parasite infestation, not just Candida. I do have a dog who goes in and out as he pleases, I live with 6 other people and they're not exactly the cleanest people (which results in living with roaches), I used to walk barefoot everywhere, used to not clean my food thoroughly, went swimming in the lake a lot last summer. That being said, I feel like I should be doing something more, but my body reacts strongly to small changes.
I just need some guidance and support, especially since I've been going through this alone. Any and all suggestions/advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!