You are absolutely right after seven days of clindamycin it takes two years to get your flora balanced it ,sounds so crazy, but it is true!
I'm not a fan of
Antibiotics ... if I'm on my death bed sure I might take them. I think if a doctor offers
Antibiotics to me again, I'm going to say, in a low lovely voice, " only if I can take them in IV FORM or in a shot." This way it skips the digestion system and only screws up other parts of the body that is okay if you can get a handle on it fast !
I had tooth/gum fistula infection and had oral surgery then my doctor prescribed 6 weeks of clindamycin.
Well a quick look on the web and I read one horror story after another about clindamycin ... some people were permanently disabled from this
Antibiotic the stories were absolutely shocking and sickening ! It scared me out of my wits that was enough for me to stop taking clindamycin after five weeks and go to the Chinese medicine doctor for a Chinese herbal formula, that would do close to the same thing.
Even after I had stopped taking the clindamycin I had some side effects showing up, this really shows you how strong this stuff really is and it's far reaching effects
After taking clindamycin I had a yeast infection, was given boric acid suppositories for two weeks, by my doctor, I also took apple cider vinegar baths for 30 minutes every other day for one weeks.
Second side effect was an inflamed stomach my ND said it was gastritis . I started on Vital 10 3 to 4 times a day . Also took a critical care raw organic POWDER probiotic with 500 billion cfu with 34 strains this is pricey, but is worth it this is generally for people coming out of the hospital but in my case it was perfect. The powder is important to replenish all the good flora in the mouth, esophagus as well as the colon. Also suggested was slippery elm to calm the stomach. On the list was, Body Biotics by life
Science this was first I had heard of this I researched it and I skipped out on this one and bought the one with higher reviews on Amazon I found Prescript Assist prebiotic/probiotic. So do your research and choose the one that is the best fit, I also drink Lactose free kefir . I also did a few probiotics
colonic .
Third side effect I had after taking clindamycin, was this crazy , crawly, stinging type of an itching all over my body . I read that some
Antibiotics are made from fungus and it causes fungal overgrowth in the system. So now to address the fungal issue
Diet is no sugar, caffeine, gluten and no dairy except non lactose kefir. No fruit. It is a pretty easy diet. Also high doses of vitamin C help and take Nicinamide also kills fungus, so do borax pellet. Increase zinc /copper intake. Also alkalizing with baking soda in glass of water 3 times a day, I take Stevia or Interphase in cool glass of water to dissolve the biofilms then I take garlic, GSE-Grapefruit Seed extract, Berberine , oregano oil and caprylic acid or take organic virgin coconut oil made from fresh coconut not dried, dried coconut has mycotoxins.
Undecylenate a potent antifungal
I read a little bit about Lufeneron but have yet to try it, Or just get a anti fungal like nystatin if you can get a doctor to prescribe one
A couple ideas probiotic suppository or
colonic seems like it might help tremendously. Fecal implant is not part of the plan yet but who knows what the future holds.