Candida produces many different types of enzymes that enable it to derive nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Sugars are the easy food source or at least the one associated with rapid candida growth. There is definitely a greater likelihood of candida infections in diabetics, indicating that the availability of sugar plays a greater role. Most people with candida symptoms also can testify to the fact that reducing sugar consumption improves their symptoms. The same people will usually relate that adding sugar back into their diets caused a re-occurrence of symptoms, indicating that avoiding sugars doesn't eliminate candida.
In the case of fasting, which removes all food sources, this can trigger the conversion from yeast to fungus and the spreading of the fungal form throughout the body. The immediate effect would probably be to find any form of food with an amazing ability on candida's part to adapt to the nutrient supply of any tissue in the body. Carbs tend to be the easy, preferred source of food.