i supplemented the whole first year without the companions.
lung medicine deluxe. you have to take enough, though, or you might aggravate things. a 12.5mg iodoral every hour is more like it. chase with orange juice. i am serious. probably not enough. here is the dosing for
SSKI from the pharmedicos:
SSKI -potassium-iodide-343399">http://reference.medscape.com/drug/pima-syrup-
SSKI -potassium-iodide-343399
Adult Dosing & Uses
Dosing Forms & Strengths
* 65mg
* 130mg
oral solution
* 65mg/mL
* 325mg/mL
oral solution (concentrated)
* 1g/mL
Radiation Emergency
Indicted during environmental radiation emergency to block uptake of radioactive
Iodine isotopes in thyroid and reduce risk of thyroid cancer
130 mg PO qDay; not to exceed 1 dose/24 hr
Ideally initiate 1-48 hr prior to exposure
Continue daily dose until exposure risk has passed and/or until other measures (eg, evacuation, sheltering, control of the food and milk supply) have been successfully implemented
Risk reduction with acute exposure
KI initiated shortly before or immediately after acute exposure: 90-99% risk reduction
KI initiated within 3-4 hr after acute exposure: 50% risk reduction
KI initiated up to 12 hr after acute exposure: limited benefit may be achieved
SSKI: 300-600 mg PO TID/QID
Thyrotoxic Crisis
250-500 mg (5-10 gtt of 1 g/mL) PO q4hr
Preoperative Thyroidectomy
50-250 mg (1-5 gtt of 1 g/mL) PO TID for 10-14 days
Other Indications & Uses
Expectorant in asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema
Cystic fibrosis, chronic sinusitis (adjunct)
Thyrotoxic crisis; pre-thyroidectomy to decr thyroid vascularity
Thyroprotective: minimizes risk of thyroid neoplasm in radiation exposure
notice that expectorant dosage? thats 300-600mg THREE TIMES A DAY.