I first had an anal fissure and hemorrhoids about 6 months ago. I tried every over the counter medication I could find, I increased my fiber and water intake, used stool softeners and suppositories, took sitz baths, but nothing worked. It was painful to sit, to walk, and difficult to sleep through the pain. It was so painful that I finally went to the doctor. She prescribed nitroglycerin 0.2% ointment. It is supposed to relax the sphincter muscles to allow the anus to heal. It helped with the pain and it seemed to be working. After about a month, I felt much better, but still had some flare ups and a bit of pain. It seemed like everything was going well until 3 months later when it all started up again: pain, bleeding, etc. It was so bad, I thought about having surgery. But, I did more research on the internet and came across some “cures” for anal fissures and hemorrhoids. I put it all together and decided to try it out. There are 6 main components to my cure. Three herbs: Aloe Vera – 470mg capsules, Butcher’s Broom – 470mg capsules, Horse Chestnut extract – 300mg caplets, witch hazel wipes (helps with cleansing and pain), a lubricant, and stool softeners. In the beginning, I took each herb 3 times a day (a total of 9 capsules). Then after only 3 to 4 days, I felt so much better. After 2 weeks, I felt like my old self again. I no longer use the lubricant when having a BM. There is no more pain even after a difficult BM (although I try to be careful and still use suppositories if I am having hard stools). The herbs listed above help shrink veins and promote healing. I paid about $20 for all three and it was well worth it. I never want to go through that again. I have been taking the herbs for about a month now and still feel great. I only take 1 capsule each per day now and will probably stop in another month. Hope this helps. Good luck!