hi Parazapper, yes I bought that blue zapper unit from
Hulda Clark e's website back in 2004, with this zapper you could insert different program keys into it, I sold it a couple years ago thinking I would never have cause to use it again along with the copper pipes, foot soles, a regret! Was this blue unit a useless one than going by your remark?
I still have the MiniFG which is working ok and will use this one this weekend. I have started using the TerminatorII a few days ago and still await delivery 2 x Orgone standard zappers from the OrgoneAfrica website.
Frankly I'm still a novice in frequency generators and Rife protocol but am very keen to learn more to use it efficiently.
I take on board your opinion on the Rife Ultimate and still have time to decide the best choice when purchasing a Rife device, obviously it must be portable and affordable as I live in the UK, a device in the region of $300 to $400 USD pricewise would be an option for me.
[Q] On the question of Frequency Amplifiers, not knowing anything much about this, can one use an Amplifier with the MiniFG or another perhaps with another Frequency Generator?
[Q] Also are there is reasonably priced Frequency Amplifiers out there to purchase in the range of $200+ do you have any leads or advice to give on the best choice?
In regard to conductivity, I agree the wristbands are not that effective, I still have them and a waistband also the small square pads, a larger black rubber pad all with yellow plastic-like material on the inside that has to be damp in salt solution before applying to the skin.
***If you have any advice on the best way to achieve a more efficient skin and tissue conductivity, that would be very welcome*** At least with the TerminatorII, its more simplier to apply.
Ofcourse I will update here, I have tried all the meds, some herbs to no sure effect so need to start with frequencies in the hope of eventually clearing and controlling a disseminated para infection which re-emerged last year.
Since using the TerminatorII twice so far - I feeling a general herx affect, extreme fatigue with flu-like symptoms.
enjoyable Christmas to you!