I have been on and off candida diets for the past 15 years. Honestly, I can't deal with them anymore. The longest I have been on one was a year, along with antifungals, LGS supps, anti-
parasite supps, etc., and they don't do squat. People always say your sugar/carb cravings go away after you've been on the diet a few weeks or months and mine never go away - ever. I think my body is just sick and tired of living on practically nothing as well and hell, honestly, how long can a normal human being live on the same meat, veggies and nuts alone? It's enough to drive someone into the looney bin. Clearly the diet and antifungals and all the typical anti-candida protocol never works for me and I feel very depressed and listless on it. Is there any kind of supp that helps stop the cravings for
Sugar and carbs? Honestly, it is so bad right now and I can barely help myself from eating them. Thanks.