I'm back with good reason. I apologise for long message in advance. But desperate as I'm going through hormone balance hell again and I'm not yet perimenopausal though suspect i am now after roller coaster hormone ride i've had. I've been iodine therapy, it helped but crashed adrenals,
I am glad you posted this though. I keep trying to warn people about the dangers of excess iodine because there are people out there recommending excessive doses of iodine while making it sound like it is as safe as water. And when people develop iodine toxicity they blame it on something else such as bromide instead of simply admitting that too much iodine is toxic.
i've been on cortisol helped but then created havoc with insulin.
Cortisol will definitely mess with blood sugar not only by shooting blood sugar levels up, but also by suppressing the adrenal glands that can lead to chronic hypoglycemia.
And then finally, i realised my problems are most probably derived originally from hormonal imbalance (most probably from fact i've had PCOS most of my life) and i've read that PCOS is now being recognised as oxidation issue most probably from low VitD3 which i was also diagnosed with a few years ago.
I have never heard that take on it. Everything I have seen basically states that it is from a hormone imbalance, although the insulin resistance would also indicate issues with chromium and magnesium deficiencies.
So anyway, i finally tried progesterone oil out of desperation to increase cortisol and balance hormones, again it helped, in fact gave me incredible energy but then gave me incredible fatigue only after a few days of use. I was advised to increase but refuse to do that due to fear of atrophy.
Progesterone is a bad idea for many reasons including the fact that it can cause cancer, depression, weight gain, water retention, etc.
I've done the adrenal adoptogenic support helps, but after months, not enough to be able to function.
Remember to build up the adrenals i s not simply taking herbs and supplements for the adrenals. You also have to make sure you are not doing things to atrophy the adrenals such as stressing or using stimulants or steroidal medications.
I'm on T3 meds as i have hypothyroidism also, but with flagging hormones i need more help. I know i have low estrogen (diagnosed after getting osteoporosis) but seem to be getting estrogen dominance symptoms mixed in with progesterone excess symptoms...ahhhh - they all over lap! Maybe i have hypothalamus dysfunction??
There is a lot more to osteoporosis than low estrogen. In fact, osteoporosis is not a loss of bone minerals. That is osteomalacia and osteopenia. Osteoporosis is a loss of collagen matrix, which does not involve estrogen.
As far as estrogen and progesterone dominance goes there are two important things to keep in mind. First thing is that an imbalance between the ratio of estrogen and progesterone can occur whether hormone levels are low, normal or high. More importantly is the fact that many of the symptoms of progesterone dominance are the same as those of estrogen dominance. This has always been a pet peeve of mine with progesterone cream sellers. They left this fact out. Therefore, many of the women who were overdosing on progesterone were thinking that had estrogen dominance and were taking more progesterone thinking they were helping the situation when in fact they were making things worse.
Anyway, please HV can you tell me if going on wild yam and vitex?, will it eventually help balance hormones?
Both vitex and wild yam are great for helping to balance the hormones. But there are many other important things that can be done such as bitters and B vitamins or TMG to help the liver to break down excess hormones and building up the flora to break down the metabolites. Phytoestrogens in the diet can also help.
and support all the work i'm doing with liver (bitters) support and adrenal support (your formula), as doing them without major hormone interference seems to be futile, wihtout addressing the sex hormones. And if i am low on estrogen does wild yam help balance it back up to normal?
Wild yam can help with estrogen levels, but this is mainly through its effects on the adrenals.
Something else that can help with increasing estrogen and building bones at the same time is the mineral boron, 3mg daily.
Is it ok to take both? if i am low only on one of them (ie estrogen and progesterone)?
You can take both wild yam and progesterone. Vitex will help the body generate the progesterone it needs, and progesterone is the precursor for estrogen.
By the way i tried pregenolone at one stage (out of desperation) and that was probably the most helpful, but not sustainable- gave me consistent energy.
Again, it is not safe to fool with actual hormones including pregnenolone.
I am now off everything except adrenal support and digestive support but now incredibly fatigued ALL the time and have massive dry eyes for some reason (can't make it if it's excess estrogen or due to lack of estrogen!!).
Dry eyes can also be associated with the adrenal exhaustion.
Please advice of possible next step - i really want to go all natural but not sure how to start off with the wild yam and vitex. I have the other stuff under control (liver and adrenal adoptogens) it's just that my hormones are really screwed up and need to start focusing on that as it seems to be bringing everything else down! By the way what is hypothalamus dysfunction, could it have started with a pituitary (protactinium)cyst?
The hypothalamus produces hormones that regulate the pituitary, which in turn affects the production of other hormones. So a problem with either the hypothalamus or pituitary can mess with other hormones. The hypothalamus and pituitary do have a feedback mechanism, but the hypothalamic dysfunction would be more likely to cause the hyperprolactinemia since it is the hypothalamus that produces the dopamine that suppresses prolactin secretion. Although, there are other things that can also increase prolactin secretion including thyroid disorders and stress.
Thank you!
PS if vitex and wild yam take that long can i take something else to kick start it otherwise i will have to leave my work as i can't function with this hormone hell.
Wild yam is faster to kick in than vitex. Chinese licorice is also good since it is supports the adrenals and is a good source of phytoestrogens, and the boron will also help.
Tx for that, i've taken on board about supporting the liver and noticed that i haven't been drinking enough water. When i take the bitters and drink lots of water i find most of my bloating, fatigue symptoms disappear and energy comes back. Indeed i am seeing for myself the importance of liver/kidney support. Makes me wonder is this why the whole endocrine system is struggling. Even seems to help control insulin problems and the adrenal tonic seems to get much more potent. So i shall persist! - by the way i do take TMG also.
Anyway, just a few more questions if ok.
1. When previously taking vietx and wild yam combined i had the same symptoms as taking progesterone cream (bloating, soar breasts - estrogen dominance symptoms or progesterone dominance-confusing). So therefore does Vitex also set off the estrogen receptors also, as apparently does progesterone cream. And is this only temporary effect of hormone balancing? And a sign also that i need to to increase liver detox?
2. I've read phytoestrogens should be tried one at a time - true?
3. What is then the best way to get your hormones tested?
4.Hypothalamus dysfunction- is there are treatment/cure?
By the way, despite what the progesterone peddlers have said to me, very LOW ESTROGEN is indeed an issue (have all the classic signs and serum and salvia tests confirming) and I can't see how ignoring this fact and adding progesterone to the problem is going to fix that. How can they say it's not a problem when my body is crying out that it is.
Good to be back by the way! Hopefully with some most excellent guidance again, i can disappear again!
Tx for that, i've taken on board about supporting the liver and noticed that i haven't been drinking enough water. When i take the bitters and drink lots of water i find most of my bloating, fatigue symptoms disappear and energy comes back.
Yes, when using bitters it is essential to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Bitters will cleanse the liver, which also contributes to the breakdown of body fat that also stores toxins. All the garbage being released back in to the bloodstream needs to be hyperdiluted and flushed from the body or they can make the person feel sicker. Same reason I also recommend starting out slow on the bitters.
Indeed i am seeing for myself the importance of liver/kidney support. Makes me wonder is this why the whole endocrine system is struggling. Even seems to help control insulin problems and the adrenal tonic seems to get much more potent. So i shall persist! - by the way i do take TMG also.
Anyway, just a few more questions if ok.
1. When previously taking vietx and wild yam combined i had the same symptoms as taking progesterone cream (bloating, soar breasts - estrogen dominance symptoms or progesterone dominance-confusing). So therefore does Vitex also set off the estrogen receptors also, as apparently does progesterone cream. And is this only temporary effect of hormone balancing? And a sign also that i need to to increase liver detox?
Vitex will stimulate the body's own production of progesterone, but it is very slow to do this. It takes several months for vitex to even start kicking in.
As I pointed out earlier though both estrogen and progesterone dominance both share many of the same symptoms. One of the biggest differences is that progesterone dominance kills the sex drive while estrogen enhances it. This is why vitex is also known as "chaste tree berry" and why progesterone is used to "chemically castrate" men.
2. I've read phytoestrogens should be tried one at a time - true?
No, not true at all. In fact, phytoestrogens are found in numerous plants we eat on a daily basis such as garlic, onions, apples peaches, grapes, etc. They would be virtually impossible to avoid unless you went on a completely all meat diet. Then you would have to deal with real estrogens that are hundreds to thousands of times stronger than phytoestrogens.
3. What is then the best way to get your hormones tested?
There is no accurate way to test hormones. But multiple blood tests over time to get an average would be the closest to accurate.
4.Hypothalamus dysfunction- is there are treatment/cure?
Alfalfa, seaweeds and parsley are supportive to the hypothalamus.
By the way, despite what the progesterone peddlers have said to me, very LOW ESTROGEN is indeed an issue (have all the classic signs and serum and salvia tests confirming) and I can't see how ignoring this fact and adding progesterone to the problem is going to fix that. How can they say it's not a problem when my body is crying out that it is.
To begin with saliva tests are the least accurate of all hormone tests. And again, even serum tests must be repeated numerous times to get an average of production to get anywhere near accuracy. Symptoms are one of the best indicators of what is going on. But again, estrogen and progesterone dominance share many symptoms making differentiating difficult sometimes. Other than sex drive a few other things that can indicate progesterone dominance include acne, water retention and increased aggression or irritability. Estrogen can cause thyroid suppression, although so will many other things, and can increase body fat, although so can progesterone.
Good to be back by the way! Hopefully with some most excellent guidance again, i can disappear again!
One of the biggest differences is that progesterone dominance kills the sex drive while estrogen enhances it.
LOL!!! well that's me ZILCH sex drive! and apparently i have uterus atrophy also. No acne, only mood is sometimes i feel like crying for no reason but i have low thyroid function along with incredible fatigue. and when i was on progesterone cream therapy my ZILCH sex drive went further north, if that is possible! I was on Vitex for months and developed abdominal bloating, swollen soar breats and my uterus felt swollen also. I got told to persist as bodily hormones were balancing out - apparently progesterone turns on estrogen receptors which is meant to explain the bloating. Zilch zilch zilch!
Vitex does raise progesterone. At recommended doses the level is rather low. Larger doses have been used historically to increase progesterone levels up higher to suppress the libido, thus the name "chaste tree berry". If you are having problems from low levels of vitex then I suspect that you likely already have abnormally high levels of progesterone to begin with, or you are very sensitive to progesterone.
One of the biggest differences is that progesterone dominance kills the sex drive while estrogen enhances it.
LOL!!! well that's me ZILCH sex drive!
High progesterone is not the only reason for low sex drive. Low testosterone or elevated serotonin can also kill the sex drive.
and apparently i have uterus atrophy also.
Uterine atrophy is from low estrogen.
No acne, only mood is sometimes i feel like crying for no reason but i have low thyroid function along with incredible fatigue. and when i was on progesterone cream therapy my ZILCH sex drive went further north, if that is possible! I was on Vitex for months and developed abdominal bloating,
This is a side effect of progesterone.
swollen soar breats
This is also a side effect of progesterone.
and my uterus felt swollen also. I got told to persist as bodily hormones were balancing out - apparently progesterone turns on estrogen receptors which is meant to explain the bloating. Zilch zilch zilch!
Progesterone is a precursor for estrogen, but the side effects of progesterone are separate from estrogen.
The bloating is a result of the smooth muscle relaxant effects of the progesterone. This slows down the digestive process to provide more time for nutrient absorption to nourish the infant. Bit the slowed digestion also leads to more fermentation and thus the bloating.
As far as the claim that progesterone turns on estrogen receptors I have never seen any evidence of this. So I looked for the evidence and could not find any, just the claim by progesterone selling sites. But all the actual research I could find shows just the opposite, that progesterone downregulates estrogen receptors. And estrogen is required for progesterone to stimulate progesterone receptors.