My ND has me on Zeolite with Humic and Fulvic acid for heavy metal toxicity (only mid-way up to the dose I need to be at), herbs for parasites, herbs for candida and supps for my digestion problems. A day or so after I started taking everything, I came down with cold/flu-like symptoms, i.e. stuffed up / runny nose, sore throat, fever, chills, etc. Both my parents were sick with a bug for a few days (I am out visiting them) and I figured I got their cold. But the weird thing is, my symptoms wax and wane throughout the day. My throat will be sore for a while, and then feel a lot better and then sore again. Then my nose will be nearly completely stuffed up, then unstuffed and running and so on. At one point I felt feverish last night and late this morning, but it got better in the early afternoon. I also felt fine when I woke up this morning, but after moving around for about 10 minutes, started feeling sick again. Now my usual asthma is flaring up, but only started flaring up around day 5 or so after starting the stuff.
I've had plenty of die-off, herxing in the past, but usually it's major muscle and joint pain. Didn't have too much of that at first, but now my back and ribs are hurting badly. Also have felt some anxiousness feelings, but again, not as much as in the past. Anyone else have healing crisis symptoms like the cold/flu stuff I have been having? I just don't know if it's die-off from the chelation, killing of parasites, candida, etc. or a true cold. Sucks being sick for Thanksgiving. Any suggestions on how to get over this faster? I started back on the lymph homeopathics I have, to try and help them move things faster too. Thanks