Absolutely. Further you may well have other "residents."
Ditto your loved ones who should know. Ditto the world.
Some cut & paste from things that helped me in case it may help you also.
Disclaimer: Humanworm is mentioned in the first link and it used to get great reports here on CZ but in past months some people complained about it not being as good as in the past (though some lately say it is back to its former quality) so you may want to try something like
Clarkia or the other standard herbicides.
See link below for cayenne pepper (using organic powder from the grocery is better than capsules) challenge test to see if you or any loved ones have
Tapeworms Sometimes one sees sesame seed looking things, or “blanched almonds” but usually “white rice” in the stools, for example. Many people have found
parasites this way,
parasites that lab tests said they didn’t have.
Hulda Clark says everyone she ever lab tested had
Tapeworms & everyone had other kinds of
parasites as well.
Another approach to tapeworms, also ascaris:
RE parasites, low enemas can help reveal what bugs are dying without any “digging around.” Enema bags are cheap & online or at drug stores. The net has many sites telling how to use them. Use 2 cups filtered water only per bag at a time. You don’t want to go too high and wash away good intestinal bacteria. (On occasion, to relieve really bad constipation, you can go higher, though. Preferably less than one time per week.) Add some plain, no sugar, yogurt with acidophilus, or “live cultures” to the last bag & eat some. This kind of yogurt is easy to find at most grocery stores. The enemas can also help combat the constipation often associated with initial stages of
parasite killing and just help speed up the cleansing process in general.
Also, many people are not aware that they are gluten sensitive, maybe even have celiac. A gluten sensitivity test can help. Even if one shows up just at Level 1 in sensitivity, that means the intestinal villi have been damaged & nutrients are not getting through as they should. Also where gluten sensitivity is, candida is probably lurking.
Candida may be lurking regardless. One way you may find it is by doing low enemas, mixing water with apple cider vinegar or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Tea made from Quassia wood chips can also kill some parasites as well as candida. Kefir enemas can also be helpful. Use enemas after a bowel movement. If you see things that look like string cheese or yellow gel, or white things that look like pieces of tissue paper, then you know a candida cleanse needs to be done. (Sometimes the candida looks like dark seaweed or brown crusts with mucous.) Another tip off is that, after you do the enemas you may temporary die off in the form of cold or flu like symptoms or some itchiness. I'd personally get rid of the parasites first. Both cleanses cause die off and you don't want to overdo it. Cleanses do put extra stress on the adrenals.
Some people say everyone who has had
Antibiotics has candida cleansing to do.
Pinworms are very serious. They can cause appendicitis for example.
You can get rid of them (though if others in the home are carrying them, or you are exposed to their invisible eggs elsewhere, such as in schools with little children then you have to figure out how to not be reinfected) with Noxema or some kind of harmless cream mixed with a good quality (maybe Aura Cacia) eucalyptus essential oil. Mix it so that it feels tingly on your anal orifice but not at all painful.
What you do is keep the mixture liberally on your anal orifice 24/7. If you have a bowel movement, you reapply instantly. Maybe keep a little mini jar, such as you can find in the beauty section of a drug store or grocery store, of it in your pocket. If you are a woman you might want to wear a sanitary pad to keep the mixture from going thru your clothes. Or if you are a man maybe wear 2 sets of undies.
It can take 3 weeks to 2 months to kill them that way. The reason this method works is that the pinwroms have to come out to lay eggs. When they meet the eucalyptus oil they will die instead.
Having said all that, I don't know but strongly suspect Pharmaguard, i.e. food grade diatomaceous earth (see ebay for one source) will kill them too and more simply. I would say use it almost every day for life to tell you the truth. It doesn't just kill pinworms. Mho.
Another approach:
If you eat 2
quarts of airpopped, hopefully organic, popcorn with minimal to no oil or butter (maybe some coconut oil) and a small
Watermelon all in one day you should start getting cleaned out due to all that roughage for one thing.
Taking 2-3 capsules of magnesium before bedtime has helped many people. I personally think brand can make all the difference and have found Twinlab (cheaper at places like Vitacost & iherb) to be very good.
Some people really like
Oxypowder but I have found that it seems to deplete my electrolytes or something because it made me feel very tired after a couple of days.
Blessed Herbs is, mho, the best bowel cleanser, but pricey.
You can do maybe 1 high enema a week w/o getting dependent on enemas, and low enemas (2-4 cups at a time) will cause no dependency so use as often as helpful. Be sure to eat acidoophilus yogurt to replenish good bacteria. Dannon sells this in the plain, usually non fat, no
Sugar etc. added version.
Some people use cascara sagara and it is effective, but you can get dependent on it. One way to counteract that dependency at least somewhat, if you find it's all that works, is to not take it every day. Chia seeds mixed in with soup or green drinks can be very helpful – though it may take a week or two for the effect to be seen.
It wouldn't hurt to put some quassia "tea" (you buy the chips & let them steep in hot water just like tea) and/or
Black-Walnut or
Black-Walnut /womrwood (again available at places like Vitacost) tincture into the last enema bag, and they can help kill any parasites.