There is a Vitamin D scriipt in the Doctrine dowsed by Newport:
I was wondering why the worm guru hasn't got on board with the Doctrine, you communicate with your spirit guides am I right?
Here is a recent newsletter from my Reiki master:
Hello dear friends!
As we move into this wonderful holiday season, I decided to write a longer
email and actually make it a newsletter of sorts. I don't do these very
often, as you know, but sometimes, the spirit moves me, like this morning.
We are rounding the corner, and there in the distance is the doorway. What
you discover once entering that doorway is what already exists within your
imagination and heart. What will your world look like? What will be its
essence? And who will you find there?
Jesus said that, "Whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you
receive them and you shall have them".
And the Buddha said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
The mind is everything. What we think we become".
One Light of humanity speaks of the Heart and prayer, and the other, of the
Mind. Now, at this time in the history of humankind, we are asked to bring
the two together. To make the two, One. The human heart becoming the Sacred
Heart through the sacred marriage, the Hieros Gamos of alchemy, the
understanding of which has been open to only a few humans per generation,
but now becomes available to all.
For here is the real Secret: what we feel in our hearts and what we see with
our mind together create our beliefs and our beliefs create our perceptions
of what we see around us and those same beliefs are what create our prayers.
It is these beliefs that bring our actions to pass and the people we attract
into our lives.
That "Secret" is the great lesson of the doorway that we are entering this
week. In the great sparking and spiralling spiritual evolution of human
beings, we are all connected and we are all creating all the time. Even as
you read this, you are creating your world. This has been our reality for
several hundred years, but now, we are becoming conscious of it. A new level
of experience of the Cosmos is on the horizon. And with that new level of
consciousness comes new responsibility.
In this new level of consciousness we are asked to remember who we are and
from where we come. It is in this remembering that we are filled with the
great waters of Spirit and it is through that baptism of the light of Spirit
that we become what we have always been, but which we have forgotten.
Who is on the other side of that doorway and why would we go through it?
In many visions, I have seen a man, who calls himself, simply, my "friend",
my "brother", come through that doorway to visit me. And with each visit,
the waters of Spirit flow with him and wash over me. I am filled and each
time I am filled, I am given greater knowledge of where I came from and what
my purpose is. I understand more of how to create the Sacred Marriage of
heart and mind. It's a slow process but one that brings the greatest
satisfaction of my life.
My "friend" and "brother" is not a guru. He told me in no uncertain terms
that he is not even my teacher. He is simply, my friend and brother. And I
can follow him at any time and go through the doorway. Each time he has
opened the doorway, a vision of a great, loving light has spilled into my
veiled and humble room and I cry with unbridled joy, for what lies beyond
the doorway is the two becoming One.
This great doorway that is opening for all of humanity on 11:11:11 will open
and the veil will be rent and each of us can be filled with the great light
of the Spirit.
If you wish, mark 11/11/11 on your calendar and put aside some time that
evening in which to meditate on what it means for the two to become one for
you. The heart and mind, together finally. Light a candle and pray for all
people. Pray for peace. Ask for the light of Spirit to come to you. And
remember, there is no room for fear in the awakened heart. You won't have to
make it go away. It will just dissolve.
May the warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your Home.
May the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.
May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows.
And may the rainbow always touch your shoulder.