To me, Kriya Yoga just feels good when I do it (and during the day it stays with me). Previously, I would do various meditation techniques but it seemed like sometimes I was in a proper state of awareness and consciousness and other times I was not. Even if I was meditating regularly it seemed like I could not maintain a high state of awareness. Now it seems more stable and balanced.
The main way that Kriya Yoga works is by working with the body energy (prana) using the breath to balance the prana. The breath is intimately connected to the prana. We can even say that the breath is the physical manifestation of prana. When the breath is balanced, the prana is balanced. In addition, Kriya Yoga works to clear out karma that are stored in various parts of the astral body. When the prana is balanced and all karma is cleared, all problems disappear and you are completely immersed in pure consciousness (on some level).
I can give you three practices that you can try and see if it feels good for you (just a note, this is NOT Kriya Yoga, you can only learn directly from a Kriya Yogacharya, one who has mastered the process).
First is to take deep, long, slow breaths and focus your awareness as much as possible just on your breath. While practicing this you may feel energy coming up the spine as you inhale and down the spine as you exhale, but if you don't feel this it doesn't matter just try to have your awareness more and more focused just on the breath.
Another exercise you can try is to just focus your awareness in the third eye, located exactly in the middle of your head. You breath normal not trying to breath long and deep necessarily, just let the breath do what it naturally does, and just focus on your breath in the center of your head. You may feel that as you inhale you are pulling energy up into the center of your head and as you exhale, you are pushing energy down from the center of your head.
The last exercise you can do is listening and watching inside the center of your head. Don't try to imagine any vision or sound, just listen and watch for the true inner vision and sound. This is Om, pure consciousness, pure awareness. I like to do this in a quiet place with ears open. Some people like to plug their ears with their thumbs to listen better.
None of these practices are really true meditation, they are like preparation for meditation, but at any time while practicing these you can automatically go into meditation. And when that happens, it is a good day.