Studies show IQ can be increased - here's how
by Tony Isaacs
It has long been thought that a person's IQ remains fairly stable from very early in life. However, new studies have found just the opposite, indicating that IQ can be increased by as much as 20% or more with proper diet, lifestyle, mental exercises and more. *Lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly Nutrition can be vital in increasing IQ and maintaining healthy brain function. Just like other organs, the brain needs proper nutrition to develop and function properly. Brains performance may be greatly improved through eating the right kinds of foods as well as supplementing to help address any deficiencies which may be affecting thinking ability and behavior. *Salmon and other fatty cold water fish Supplements can help address nutritional deficiencies boost brain performance. Two of the best brain boosting supplements are colloidal gold and phosphatidyl serine (PS). Studies have shown that supplementing with colloidal gold can result in IQ increases of 20% or more and that PS increases lucidity and the rate of learning. *Magnesium Note: As the first study mentioned above found, IQ can also decline just as much as it can improve – yet another good reason to follow this article’s advice. See also: 10 Easy and Natural Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp New study finds beetroot juice promotes brain health in older adults Blueberries Improve Memory, Slow Aging and Much More Boost Your Body and Mind with Magnesium About the author Tony Isaacs is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy". Mr. Isaacs articles are featured at Natural News, the Health Science Institute's Healthiertalk website, CureZone, the Crusador online, AlignLife, the Cancer Tutor, the American Chronicle and several other venues. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. In addition, he hosts the Yahoo Oleandersoup Health group of over 2000 members and the CureZone "Ask Tony Isaacs - Featuring Luella May" forum
IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Contrary to common misconception, IQ does not measure a person’s actual intelligence, but rather is measurement of one's problem solving abilities.
In a new study just published this month in the journal Nature, researchers found that during adolescence, a fifth of children can gain or lose as many as 20 points in IQ. The study, “Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain”, also found that IQ improvement corresponded to actual structural changes in the brain. Children who had an increase in IQ during adolescence also had an increase in the density and volume of gray matter in the brain.
Study co-author Sue Ramsden likened the brain changes to changes in a child's physical fitness over the teenage years. For example, a couch-potato kid may join a sports team and be athletic several years later. Ramsden said the results indicate that “a late developer can catch up.”
Other studies have indicated that IQ can also be improved in adults. In 2008, a study was published which was pretty much a game changer for research on IQ. The study, titled “Building Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory” demonstrated that it might actually be possible to increase IQ to a significant degree through training.
Learning and exercising the brain are major ways to increase IQ. Reading and practicing activities that improve one’s mental abilities will increase ones mental age. This can be as simple as solving puzzles, reading stimulating books, learning a new language or learning how to perform a new task. Some other suggestions for having better brain function are:
*Get plenty of sunshine and natural vitamin D3
*Have an active social life
*Get involved in new activities and hobbies
*Writing - including writing with your opposite hand
*Avoid and manage stress
*Minimize television watching
*Play challenging video games (but don’t neglect social life and physical activity)
*Don’t smoke
*Drink in moderation
*Eat wholesome nutrient-dense foods
*Avoid refined sugar and typical SADS food items such as processed foods, fast foods, etc.
*Avoid drinking water with fluoride
*Avoid vaccinations and other mainstream drugs
Some of the best brain boosting foods are:
*Organic free range beef, chicken and turkey
*Organic free range eggs
*Caffeine (but don’t overdo it, as excess caffeine can over-stimulate the adrenal glands).
*Berries, especially blueberries (and don't forget mulberries)
*Dark grapes (preferably seeded)
*Dark green leafy vegetables such as baby spinach
*Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
*Citrus fruits
*Organic yoghurt
*Olive Oil
*Green Tea
Other brain boosting supplements include:
*Super foods powders
*Vitamin C
*Vitamin E
*Alpha-lipoic acid
*Folic acid
*Ginkgo Biloba
*Saint John's Wort
Sources included:
*Lean organic free range beef, chicken and turkey
That's a good start, but add normal-fat and pasture fed, then the meat contains more nutrients, a better fat ratio of omegas, and many fat soluble vitamin complexes. Organic free range is often a mix of commercial diet fed to the animals like organic corn, wheat, or other high carbs that throw fatty acids out of balance. Overall, your post is a good read!
I agree with you and have made the change accordingly. That was copied from one of the many sources I used, but you are right - healthy uncontaminated animal fats are important.